
Properties that control the behavior of a column with the InkEdit edit style.

Applies to

Column controls


PowerBuilder dot notation:

Describe and Modify argument:

" { = value }"




The name of a column that has the InkEdit edit style.


A property for the InkEdit column. Properties and their settings are listed in the table below.


The value to be assigned to the property.

Property for InkEdit



Whether the edit box scrolls horizontally automatically when data is entered or deleted. Values are:

  • Yes – Scroll horizontally automatically.

  • No – Do not scroll horizontally automatically (default).

You can use AutoHScroll with SyntaxFromSQL. The setting applies to all the columns in the generated syntax.

Painter: Auto Horz Scroll option.


Whether to select the contents of the edit control automatically when it receives focus. Values are:

  • Yes – Select automatically (default).

  • No – Do not select automatically.

You can use AutoSelect with SyntaxFromSQL. The setting applies to all the columns in the generated syntax.

Painter: Auto Selection option.


Whether the edit box scrolls vertically automatically when data is entered or deleted. Values are:

  • Yes – Scroll vertically automatically.

  • No – Do not scroll vertically automatically (default).

You can use AutoVScroll with SyntaxFromSQL. The setting applies to all the columns in the generated syntax.

Painter: Auto Vert Scroll option.


Specifies whether the text is display-only and cannot be changed by the user. Values are:

  • true – Text cannot be changed by user.

  • false – Text can be changed by user (default).

Painter: Display Only option.


Specifies a context for ink recognition. Set this property if the input data is of a known type, such as a date or Web address, to constrain the search for a recognition result. Possible values include digit, e-mail, Web, date, time, number, currency, percent, and telephone. For a list of values, see the table that follows.

Painter: Factoid option.


Whether a dotted rectangle (the focus rectangle) will surround the current row of the column when the column has focus. Values are:

  • Yes – (Default) Display the focus rectangle.

  • No – Do not display the focus rectangle (default).

You can use FocusRectangle with SyntaxFromSQL. The setting applies to all the columns in the generated syntax.

Painter: Show Focus Rectangle option.


Whether a horizontal scroll bar displays in the edit control. Values are:

  • Yes – Display the horizontal scroll bar.

  • No – Do not display the horizontal scroll bar (default).

Painter: Horz Scroll Bar option.


Specifies whether ink collection is enabled and whether ink only or ink and gestures are collected. Values are:

  • InkDisabled (0) – Ink collection is disabled.

  • CollectInkOnly (1) – Only ink is collected.

  • CollectInkAndGestures (2) – Ink and gestures are collected (default).

Painter: InkMode option.


A number specifying the maximum number of characters (0 to 32,767) that the user can enter. 0 means unlimited.

Painter: Limit option.


Whether to set the data value of the InkEdit to null when the user leaves the edit box blank. Values are:

  • Yes – Make the Empty string null.

  • No – Do not make the empty string null (default).

Painter: Empty String is null option.


Specifies the time period in milliseconds between the last ink stroke and the start of text recognition. The default is 2000 (two seconds).

Painter: RecognitionTimer option.


Whether the column is required. Values are:

  • Yes – Required.

  • No – (Default) Not required.

Painter: Required option.


Specifies whether the mouse can be used for input on a Tablet PC. Values are:

  • true – The mouse can be used for input

  • false – The mouse cannot be used for input (default)

Painter: UseMouseForInput option.


Whether a vertical scroll bar displays in the edit control. Values are:

  • Yes – Display a vertical scroll bar.

  • No – Do not display a vertical scroll bar (default).

Painter: Vert ScrollBar option.


The following values for Factoid are available. After the Default and None factoids, the drop-down list in the Properties view displays factoids for special formats in alphabetical order, followed by single-character factoids and Asian-language factoids. You can set multiple factoids by separating them with the pipe ( | ) character.




Returns recognizer to the default setting. For Western languages, the default setting includes the user and system dictionaries, various punctuation marks, and the Web and Number factoids. For Eastern languages, the default setting includes all characters supported by the recognizer.


Disables all factoids, dictionaries, and the language model.


Currency in pounds, dollars, euros, and yen.


Dates written in English; for example 8/19/2005, Aug 19, 2005, or Friday, August 19, 2005.


E-mail addresses.


Windows file name paths. The name cannot include the following characters: / : " < > |


Numeric values, including ordinals, decimals, separators, common suffixes, and mathematical symbols. This factoid includes the Currency and Time factoids.


A number followed by the percent symbol.

Postal Code

Postal codes as written in English, for example 01730 or CT17 9PW.

System Dictionary

Words in the system dictionary only.


Telephone numbers as writen in English, for example (555) 555 5555 or +44 1234 123456.


Times as written in English, for example 15:05 or 3:05 pm.


Various URL formats.

Word List

Words on the word list associated with the recognizer context only.


A single digit (0-9).

One Char

A single ANSI character.

Upper Char

A single uppercase character.

In addition, the following Asian-language factoids are available:


Kanji Common

Hangul Common



Korean Common


Simplified Chinese Common

Japanese Common

Traditional Chinese Common

In the painter

Select the control and set values in the Properties view, Ink tab, InkEdit section for properties relating to Ink, or the Edit tab for properties common to other edit styles. The Style Type on the Edit tab must be set to InkEdit.


Example 1

string str

str = dw_1.Object.emp_name.InkEdit.Factoid

dw_1.Object.emp_name.InkEdit.Factoid = EMAIL

Example 2

str = dw_1.Describe("emp_bd.InkEdit.Factoid")


Example 3

string str

str = dw_1.Object.emp_name.InkEdit.AutoHScroll

dw_1.Object.emp_name.InkEdit.Required = "no"

See also