About the Web ActiveX


The Sybase DataWindow Web control for ActiveX is a fully interactive DataWindow control for use with Microsoft Internet Explorer. It implements all standard DataWindow features except rich text.

The Web ActiveX supports data retrieval with retrieval arguments and data update. You can use edit styles, display formats, and validation rules. Most of the standard methods for manipulating the DataWindow are available, including Modify for changing DataWindow object properties. Several functions that involve file system interactions, such as SaveAs and SaveAsAscii, are not supported, allowing the Web ActiveX to be in the safely scriptable category of ActiveX controls.

Included with the Web ActiveX is the Sybase DataWindow Transaction Object control for making database connections that can be shared by several Web ActiveX controls.

NoteBrowser support The Web ActiveX and Transaction Object control are designed to work in browsers that support ActiveX controls, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3 and higher.

The DataWindow controls are not designed to work in Netscape browsers, which do not support ActiveX controls. Even if you use third-party plug-ins to enable ActiveX support, scripting for the controls works differently and is not tested.

Development environment

When you install PowerBuilder, the Setup program registers the Web ActiveX and the Transaction Object controls in the Windows registry. The class information entered in the registry is visible in the PowerBuilder Browser under OLE Custom Controls on the OLE tab. You can also examine the properties, events, and methods of the controls on the OLE tab of the Browser.

To use the Web ActiveX, your development system must meet the following requirements, all of which are met when you install any PowerBuilder component that requires the Java VM:

In addition, the Java classes required by your database vendor's client layer must be installed on your system.

In a Web target, you can develop Web (and JSP) pages that use the Web ActiveX and Transaction Object controls. You can drag and drop these controls from the Components tab of the System Tree to a Web page. You can also examine the properties, events, and methods of these controls from the System Tree. In the HTML editor, you can insert the control, set property values using the control property sheets, and write event scripts in the script editor.

For more information, see “How to use the Web ActiveX in a Web target”.

In addition to PowerBuilder’s HTML editor, you can use any text editor to write HTML for the controls. However, other development environments are not supported and do not provide advanced authoring support.

For information about the required HTML, see “HTML for inserting the controls on a Web page”.

DataWindow objects

The Web ActiveX uses a DataWindow object, which determines what data is retrieved and how it is displayed. The Web ActiveX can also display Powersoft reports (PSRs), which do not need to retrieve data.

A DataWindow object for the Web ActiveX can have any presentation style except RichText.

DataWindow objects are stored in PowerBuilder libraries (PBLs) or PowerBuilder dynamic libraries (PBDs). The DataWindow libraries are stored on the Web server and downloaded as needed by the Internet Explorer browser. You use a URL to point to the library. It can be relative or absolute, using any supported protocol—for example, http, ftp, or file.

For more information, see “DataWindow objects for the Web ActiveX”.

Adding MIME types to IIS 6.0

To use the Web ActiveX with IIS 6.0, which is the IIS version included in Windows Server 2003, you need to configure IIS to recognize the .pbl, .pbd, and .psr extensions. Previous versions of IIS include a wildcard character MIME mapping that allows IIS to serve any file.

You must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer to perform the following procedure, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority. For more information, see the Microsoft documentation for IIS 6.0 or this Microsoft support document.

StepsTo add a global MIME type to IIS 6.0:

  1. In IIS Manager, right-click the computer on which you want to add a MIME type, and click Properties.

  2. Click MIME Types.

  3. Click New.

  4. In the Extension box, type pbl.

  5. In the MIME type box, type application/octet-stream.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the .pbd and .psr extensions, using application/octet-stream and application/datawindow respectively as the MIME types.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Restart IIS to apply the new settings.

You can also add a MIME type to a specific Web site or directory from its HTTP Headers property page.

Database connections

The Web ActiveX uses JDBC for database connectivity. Users can connect to a data source on any server to which they have access, including databases and middle-tier servers on the Internet.

You can use internal transaction properties for specifying a connection; or you can make the connection with a separate transaction object, the Sybase DataWindow Transaction Object control. When you connect using a separate transaction object, you can control when SQL COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements occur and you can use the same connection for multiple Web ActiveX controls.

For more information, see “Using the DataWindow Transaction Object control”.


Since the Web ActiveX is designed for Internet Explorer, you can use Jscript or another ECMAScript-compatible scripting language for scripting purposes.

In general, you can use the same methods as in a PowerBuilder application. However, there are a few differences:

For more information, see “Coding for the Web ActiveX”.


The Web ActiveX supports the same events as a standard DataWindow control, with these differences:


The Web ActiveX is provided as a CAB file, which allows the client browser to install and register the control. When the user downloads a Web page that refers to the CAB file, the browser also downloads the CAB file if necessary, unpacks it, and registers the control. Some additional files must also be deployed to the client.

For more information, see “Deploying the Web ActiveX”.