Building a window

One other object you need when piping data in your application is a window. You use this window to provide a user interface to the pipeline, enabling people to interact with it in one or more ways. These include:

Required features for your window

When you build your window, you must include a DataWindow control that the pipeline itself can use to display error rows (that is, rows it cannot pipe to the destination table for some reason). You do not have to associate a DataWindow object with this DataWindow control—the pipeline provides one of its own at runtime.

To learn how to work with this DataWindow control in your application, see “Starting the pipeline” and “Handling row errors”.

Optional features for your window

Other than including the required DataWindow control, you can design the window as you like. You will typically want to include various other controls, such as:

If you need assistance with building a window, see the PowerBuilder User’s Guide.


The following window handles the user-interface aspect of the data piping in the order entry application. This window is named w_sales_extract:

The sample Write Extract screen has three horizontal areas, labeled, from top to bottom, Operation, Status, and Errors. In the Operation area are two radio buttons labeled Create Quarterly Extract Table and Add to Quarterly Extract Table, and two command buttons labeled Write and Stop. In the Status area are text boxes that display status for database connections and rows read, written, and in error, and a Data Window for displaying the contents of the extract table. In the error section is an area where the PowerBuilder pipeline-error Data Window can be displayed, and the following command buttons: Apply Fixes, Forgo Fixes, Drop Table, and Close.

Several of the controls in this window are used to implement particular pipeline-related capabilities. Table 17-2 provides more information about them.

Table 17-2: Window controls to implement pipeline capabilities

Control type

Control name




Selects pipe_sales_extract1 as the Pipeline object to execute


Selects pipe_sales_extract2 as the Pipeline object to execute



Starts execution of the selected pipeline


Cancels pipeline execution or applying of row repairs


Applies row repairs made by the user (in the dw_pipe_errors DataWindow control) to the destination table


Clears all error rows from the dw_pipe_errors DataWindow control (for use when the user decides not to make repairs)



Displays the current contents of the destination table (Quarterly_extract)


(Required) Used by the pipeline itself to automatically display the PowerBuilder pipeline-error DataWindow (which lists rows that cannot be piped due to some error)



Displays the count of rows that the pipeline reads from the source tables


Displays the count of rows that the pipeline writes to the destination table or places in dw_pipe_errors


Displays the count of rows that the pipeline places in dw_pipe_errors (because they are in error)