Providing online Help for developers

Two ways to provide Help

There are two ways to integrate online Help for your user-defined functions, user events, and user objects into the PowerBuilder development environment:

How context-sensitive Help for user-defined functions works

When you select the name of a function or place the cursor in the function name in the Script view and press Shift + F1:

  1. PowerBuilder looks for the standard prefix (the default is uf_) in the function name.

  2. If the standard prefix is found, PowerBuilder looks for the Help topic in the Help file containing your user-defined function Help topics (instead of looking in PBHLP10.50.HLP, its own main Help file). The default file name for Help on user-defined functions is PBUSR10.50.HLP.

    PowerBuilder determines the name of the Help file to look in by reading the UserHelpFile variable in PB.INI. For information on changing the value of this variable, see “Advanced procedures”.

  3. If PowerBuilder finds the variable, it looks in the specified Help file for the name of the selected function. If there is no UserHelpFile variable in PB.INI, PowerBuilder looks for the keyword in the PBUSR10.50.HLP file in the PowerBuilder Help directory.

Simplest approach

If you work within the PowerBuilder defaults, you must:

Basic procedures

Here are details on how to build online Help into the PowerBuilder environment.

StepsTo launch online Help for PowerBuilder developers from the User button:

  1. Create your online Help file using Microsoft Word and the Microsoft Help Workshop or other Help authoring tool.

  2. Rename the PBUSR10.50.HLP and PBUSR10.50.CNT files that were installed with PowerBuilder. Be sure to rename the original PBUSR10.50.CNT file even if you do not provide your own contents file.

  3. Save the compiled Help file and optional contents file in your PowerBuilder Help directory. Make sure your Help file is named PBUSR10.50.HLP and your contents file is named PBUSR10.50.CNT.

    Your Help file will display when you click the User button.

StepsTo create context-sensitive Help for user-defined functions:

  1. When you create a user-defined function, give the name of the function a standard prefix. The default prefix is uf_ (for example, uf_calculate).

  2. For each user-defined function Help topic, assign a search keyword (a K footnote entry) identical to the function name.

    For example, in the Help topic for the user-defined function uf_CutBait, create a keyword footnote uf_CutBait. PowerBuilder uses the keyword to locate the correct topic to display in the Help window.

  3. Compile the Help file and save it in the PowerBuilder Help directory.

Advanced procedures

You can specify a different file name for context-sensitive Help by changing the value of the UserHelpFile variable in your PB.INI file. To use the variable, your Help file must be in the PowerBuilder Help directory.

StepsTo specify a different file name for context-sensitive Help:

  1. Open your PB.INI file in a text editor.

  2. In the [PB] section, add a UserHelpFile variable, specifying the name of the Help file that contains your context-sensitive topics. The format of the variable is:

    UserHelpFile = helpfile.hlp

    Specify only the file name. A full path name designation will not be recognized.

You can prefix your user-defined functions with a standard prefix other than the default uf_ prefix. You define the prefix you want to use by entering the UserHelpPrefix variable in your PB.INI file.

StepsTo use a different prefix for user-defined functions:

  1. Open your PB.INI file in a text editor.

  2. In the [PB] section, add a UserHelpPrefix variable, specifying the value of your prefix. Use this format:

    UserHelpPrefix = yourprefix_

    The prefix you provide must end with the underscore character.