Actions assignable to buttons in reports

MessageBox("Action return code", actionreturncode)

Table 7-2 shows the actions you can assign to a button in a report.

Table 7-2: Actions that can be assigned to buttons in a report


What it does


Cancels a retrieval that has been started with the option to yield.


Displays Filter dialog box and filters as specified.

Page First

Scrolls to the first page.

Page Last

Scrolls to the last page.

Page Next

Scrolls to the next page.

Page Prior

Scrolls to the prior page.

Preview With Rulers

Toggles between rulers on and off.


Prints one copy of the report.


Retrieves rows from the database. The option to yield is not automatically turned on.

Retrieve (Yield)

Retrieves rows from the database. Before retrieval actually occurs, option to yield is turned on; this will allow the Cancel action to take effect during a long retrieve.

Save Rows As

Displays Save As dialog box and saves rows in the format specified.


Displays Sort dialog box and sorts as specified.