Prefix length  Field and row terminators

Chapter 4: Using bcp to Transfer Data to and from Adaptive Server

Field length

In almost all cases, use the bcp default value for the storage length while copying data out.

NoteThe terms “length” and “storage length” in this section refer to the operating system file, not to Adaptive Server field lengths.

Because you can change the default length by supplying another value, you must be familiar with the data to transfer. If you are copying character data in from other software, examine the source file carefully before choosing length values.

NoteIf the storage type is noncharacter, bcp stores the data in the operating system’s native data representation and does not prompt for a length.

When bcp converts noncharacter data to character storage, it suggests a default field length that is large enough to store the data without truncating datetime data or causing an overflow of numeric data.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Field and row terminators

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