Rollback records and the last-chance threshold  Using lct_admin to determine the free log space

Chapter 15: Managing Free Space with Thresholds

Calculating the space for rollback records

To calculate the increased amount of space to add to a transaction log to accommodate rollback records, estimate:

Update records are the records that change the timestamp value. They include changes to data pages, index pages, allocation pages, and so on.

Each rollback record requires approximately 60 bytes of space, or 3 one hundredths of a page. Thus, the calculation for including rollback records (RRs) in the transaction log is:

        Added space, in pages = (logged RRs + # open updates) X 3/100.

You may also want to add log space to compensate for the effects of rollback records on the last-chance threshold and on user-defined thresholds, as described in the following sections.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Using lct_admin to determine the free log space

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