Bringing databases online with standby_access  Bring databases online with standby_access

Chapter 12: Backing Up and Restoring User Databases

When do I use with standby_access?

Use dump tran[saction]...with standby_access when you are loading two or more transaction logs in sequence, and you want the database to be online between loads. For example, if you have a read-only database that gets its data by loading transaction dumps from a primary database. In this case, if the read-only database is used for generating a daily report based on transactions in the primary database, and the primary database’s transaction log is dumped at the end of day, the daily cycle of operations is:

  1. On the primary database: dump tran[saction]...with standby_access

  2. On the read-only database: load tran[saction]...

  3. On the read-only database: online database for standby_access

    WARNING! If a transaction log contains open transactions, and you dump it without using with standby_access, Adaptive Server does not allow you to load the log, bring the database online, and then load a subsequent transaction dump. If you are going to load a series of transaction dumps, you can bring the database online only after loading a dump originally made with standby_access, or after loading the entire series.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Bring databases online with standby_access

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