Scheduling backups of user databases  Other times to back up a database

Chapter 11: Developing a Backup and Recovery Plan

Scheduling routine backups

Dump each user database just after you create it, to provide a base point, and on a fixed schedule thereafter. Daily backups of the transaction log and weekly backups of the database are the minimum recommended. Many installations with large and active databases make database dumps every day and transaction log dumps every half hour or hour.

Interdependent databases—databases where there are cross-database transactions, triggers, or referential integrity—should be backed up at the same time, during a period when there is no cross-database data modification activity. If one of these databases fails and must be reloaded, they should all be reloaded from these simultaneous dumps.

WARNING! Always dump both databases immediately after adding, changing, or removing a cross-database constraint or dropping a table that contains a cross-database constraint.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Other times to back up a database

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