Setting the recovery interval  Checkpoint after user database upgrade

Chapter 11: Developing a Backup and Recovery Plan

Automatic checkpoint procedure

Approximately once a minute, the checkpoint task checks each database on the server to see how many records have been added to the transaction log since the last checkpoint. If the server estimates that the time required to recover these transactions is greater than the database’s recovery interval, Adaptive Server issues a checkpoint.

The modified pages are written from cache onto the database devices, and the checkpoint event is recorded in the transaction log. Then, the checkpoint task “sleeps” for another minute.

To see the checkpoint task, execute sp_who. The checkpoint task is usually displayed as “CHECKPOINT SLEEP” in the “cmd” column:

spid  status     loginame   hostname blk dbname  cmd
----- ---------- ---------- -------- --- ------- ----------------
    1 running    sa         mars     0   master  SELECT
    2 sleeping   NULL                0   master  NETWORK HANDLER
    3 sleeping   NULL                0   master  MIRROR HANDLER
    4 sleeping   NULL                0   master  HOUSEKEEPER
    5 sleeping   NULL                0   master  CHECKPOINT SLEEP

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Checkpoint after user database upgrade

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