Performance and scalability  dbcc checkdb

Chapter 10: Checking Database Consistency

dbcc checktable

dbcc checktable checks the specified table to see that:

The syntax for dbcc checktable is:

dbcc checktable({table_name | table_id}[, skip_ncindex | “fix_spacebints“ [, “partition_name“ | partition_id]])

The skip_ncindex option allows you to skip checking the page linkage, pointers, and sort order on nonclustered indexes. The linkage and pointers of clustered indexes and data pages are essential to the integrity of your tables. You can drop and re-create nonclustered indexes if Adaptive Server reports problems with page linkage or pointers.

partition_name is the name of the partition you are checking (this may or may not contain the entire table because tables can span multiple partitions), and partition_id is the ID of the partition you are checking.

If you specify partition_name or partition_id, dbcc checktable checks only the table, or parts of the table, residing on this partition; it does not expand its check to other partitions, and has the following restrictions:

When checkstorage returns a fault code of 100035, and checkverify confirms that the spacebit fault is a hard fault, you can use dbcc checktable to fix the reported fault.

The following command checks part of the titles table that resides on the smallsales partition (which contains all book sales less than 5000):

dbcc checktable(titles, NULL, "smallsales")
Checking partition 'smallsales' (partition ID 1120003990) of table 'titles'.
The logical page size of this table is 8192 bytes. The total number of data
pages in partition 'smallsales' (partition ID 1120003990) is 1.
Partition 'smallsales' (partition ID 1120003990) has 14 data rows.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact a user with
System Administrator (SA) role.

The following is the dbcc checktable syntax, where table_name is the name of the table to repair:

dbcc checktable (table_name, fix_spacebits)

You can use dbcc checktable with the table name or the table’s object ID. The sysobjects table stores this information in the name and id columns.

The following example shows a report on an undamaged table:

dbcc checktable(titles)
Checking table 'titles' (object ID 576002052):Logical page size is 8192 bytes.
The total number of data pages in partition 'titleidind_576002052' (partition ID
576002052) is 1.
The total number of data pages in this table is 1.
Table has 18 data rows.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact a user with
System Administrator (SA) role.

To check a table that is not in the current database, supply the database name. To check a table owned by another object, supply the owner’s name. You must enclose any qualified table name in quotes. For example:

dbcc checktable("pubs2.newuser.testtable")

dbcc checktable addresses the following problems:

You can improve dbcc checktable performance by using enhanced page fetching.

dbcc checkindex

dbcc checkindex runs the same checks as dbcc checktable, but only on the specified index instead of the entire table. The synax is:

dbcc checkindex({table_name|table_id}, index_id, bottom_up [, partition_name | partition_id]])

partition_name is the name of the partition you are checking and partition_id is the ID of the partition you are checking. bottom_up specifies that checkindex checks from the bottom up, starting at the leaf of the index. bottom_up is only applicable for DOL tables. If you specify this option with checkindex or checktable, the index checking is done in a bottom up fashion

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. dbcc checkdb

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