Checking summary information for a table  Querying system table for space usage information

Chapter 6: Creating and Managing User Databases

Checking information for a table and its indexes

To see information on the space used by individual indexes, enter:

sp_spaceused titles, 1
index_name           size       reserved   unused
-------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
titleidind           2 KB       32 KB      24 KB
titleind             2 KB       16 KB      14 KB
name       rowtotal   reserved   data   index_size unused
---------- --------  ---------  ------- ---------- ----------
titles          18      46 KB     6 KB      4 KB      36 KB

Space taken up by the text/image page storage is reported separately from the space used by the table. The object name for text/image storage is always “t” plus the table name:

sp_spaceused blurbs,1
index_name           size       reserved   unused
-------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
blurbs               0 KB       14 KB      12 KB
tblurbs              14 KB      16 KB      2 KB

name       rowtotal reserved    data    index_size unused
---------- -------- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- 
blurbs            6       30 KB    2 KB      14 KB      14 KB

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Querying system table for space usage information

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