Cache configuration commands  Configuring data caches

Chapter 4: Configuring Data Caches

Information on data caches

Use sp_cacheconfig to create and configure named data caches. When you first install Adaptive Server, it has a single cache named default data cache. To see information about caches, type:


The results of sp_cacheconfig look similar to:

Cache Name                Status    Type     Config Value  Run Value
------------------------- --------- -------- ------------ ------------
default data cache        Active    Default        0.00 Mb    59.44 Mb
                                             ------------ ------------
                                    Total          0.00 Mb    59.44 Mb
Cache: default data cache,   Status: Active,   Type: Default
     Config Size: 0.00 Mb,   Run Size: 59.44 Mb
     Config Replacement: strict LRU,   Run Replacement: strict LRU
     Config Partition:            1,   Run Partition:            1

IO Size  Wash Size Config Size  Run Size     APF Percent
-------- --------- ------------ ------------ -----------
    2 Kb   12174 Kb     0.00 Mb     59.44 Mb      10

Summary information for each cache is printed in a block at the top of the report, ending with a total size for all configured caches. For each cache, there is a block of information reporting the configuration for the memory pools in the cache.

The columns are:

The second block of output begins with three lines of information that describe the cache. The first two lines repeat information from the summary block at the top. On the third line, “Config Replacement” and “Run Replacement” show the cache policy, which is either “strict LRU” or “relaxed LRU.” The run setting is the setting in effect; if the policy has been changed since the server was restarted, the Config setting is different from the Run setting.

sp_cacheconfig then provides a row of information for each pool in the cache:

A summary line prints the total size of the cache or caches displayed.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring data caches

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