The statement cache  Ad hoc query processing

Chapter 3: Configuring Memory

Setting the statement cache

The statement cache allows Adaptive Server to store the text of ad hoc SQL statements. Adaptive Server compares a newly received ad hoc SQL statement to cached SQL statements and, if a match is found, uses the plan cached from the initial execution. In this way, Adaptive Server does not have to recompile SQL statements for which it already has a plan.

The statement cache is a server-wide resource, which allocates and consumes memory from the procedure cache memory pool. Set the size of the statement cache dynamically using the statement cache size configuration parameter.

NoteIf you deallocate or reduce the amount of memory for the statement cache, the original memory allocated is not released until you restart Adaptive Server.

The syntax is as follows, where size_of_cache is the size, in 2K pages:

sp_configure "statement cache size", size_of_cache

For example, to set your statement cache to 5000 2K pages, enter:

sp_configure "statement cache size", 5000

See Chapter 5, “Setting Configuration Parameters,” for more information.

Consider the following when you configure memory for the statement cache:

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