Chapter 13: Getting Started With Security Administration in Adaptive Server  Recommendations for setting up security

Chapter 13: Getting Started With Security Administration in Adaptive Server

General process of security administration

Table 13-1 describes the major tasks that are required to administer Adaptive Server in a secure manner and refers you to the documentation that contains the instructions for performing each task.

Table 13-1: General process for security administration




1. Install Adaptive Server, including auditing.

This task includes preparing for installation, loading files from your distribution medium, performing the actual installation, and administering the physical resources that are required.

The the installation documentation for your platform

2. Set up a secure administrative environment.

This includes enabling auditing, granting roles to individual users to ensure individual accountability, assigning login names to System Administrators and System Security Officers and establishing password and login policies.

Chapter 14, “Managing Adaptive Server Logins, Database Users, and Client Connections”

3. Add user logins to the server; add users to databases; establish groups and roles; set proxy authorization.

Add logins, create groups, add users to databases, drop and lock logins, and assign initial passwords. Assign roles to users, create user-defined roles, and define role hierarchies and mutual exclusivity of roles.

Chapter 14, “Managing Adaptive Server Logins, Database Users, and Client Connections”

4. Administer permissions for users, groups, and roles.

Grant and revoke permissions for certain SQL commands, executing certain system procedures, and accessing databases, tables, particular table columns, and views.

Chapter 17, “Managing User Permissions”

5. Administer the use of remote servers.

Establish and administer the access that is permitted between servers, add and drop remote server access, and map remote login names to local login names.

Chapter 15, “Managing Remote Servers,” and the Adaptive Server installation and configuration documentation for your platform

6. Set up and maintain auditing.

Determine what is to be audited, audit the use of Adaptive Server, and use the audit trail to detect penetration of the system and misuse of resources.

Chapter 18, “Auditing,” and the Adaptive Server installation and configuration documentation for your platform

7. Set up your installation for advanced authentication mechanisms and network security..

Configure the server to use services, such as LDAP, PAM or Kerberos- based User Authentication, Windows unified Login, , data confidentiality with encryption, data integrity..

Chapter 16, “External Authentication” and Chapter 19, “Confidentiality of Data.”

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Recommendations for setting up security

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