Chapter 4: Expressions, Identifiers, and Wildcard Characters
square brackets ( [ ] ) as escape characters
Use square brackets as escape characters for the percent sign,
the underscore, and the left bracket. The right bracket does not
need an escape character; use it by itself. If you use the hyphen
as a literal character, it must be the first character inside a
set of square brackets.
Table 4-8 shows
examples of square brackets used as escape characters with like.
Table 4-8: Using square brackets to search for wildcard characters
like predicate
like "5%"
5 followed by any string of 0 or more
like "5[%]"
like "_n"
an, in, on (and so on)
like "[_]n"
like "[a-cdf]"
a, b, c, d, or f
like "[-acdf]"
-, a, c, d, or f
like "[[ ]"
like "]"
like “[[]ab]”
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