Adding flexibility and facilitating object reuse

You can use exception handling to add flexibility to your PocketBuilder applications and to help separate business rules from presentation logic. For example, business rules can be stored in a non-visual object that has:

Code for data processing could be added to the presentation object, to the business rules user object, or to processing objects called by the user object. The exact design depends on your business objectives, but this code should also be surrounded by try-catch blocks. The actions to take and the error messages to report (in case of code processing failure) should be as specific as possible in the try-catch blocks that surround the processing code.

There are significant advantages to this type of approach, because the business user object can be reused more easily and can be accessed by objects that display the same business data in many different ways. The addition of exception handling makes this approach much more robust, giving the application user a chance to recover from an error condition.