Transaction basics


A successful CONNECT starts a transaction, and a DISCONNECT terminates the transaction. All SQL statements that execute between the CONNECT and the DISCONNECT occur within the transaction.

Before you issue a CONNECT statement, the Transaction object must exist and you must assign values to all Transaction object properties required to connect to your DBMS.


When a COMMIT executes, all changes to the database since the start of the current transaction (or since the last COMMIT or ROLLBACK) are made permanent, and a new transaction is started. When a ROLLBACK executes, all changes since the start of the current transaction are undone and a new transaction is started.

AutoCommit setting

You can issue a COMMIT or ROLLBACK only if the AutoCommit property of the Transaction object is set to False (the default) and you have not already started a transaction using embedded SQL.

For more about AutoCommit, see “Description of Transaction object properties”.

NoteAutomatic COMMIT when disconnected When a transaction is disconnected, PocketBuilder issues a COMMIT statement.