About preferences and default settings

Many applications store user preferences and default settings across sessions. For example, applications can keep track of settings that control the appearance and behavior of the application, or store default parameters for connecting to the database. PocketBuilder applications can manage this kind of information in initialization files or in the Windows CE registry.

Database connection parameters

You might need to set the values of the Transaction object from an external file. For example, you might want to retrieve values from your PocketBuilder initialization file when you are developing the application, or from an application-specific initialization file when you distribute the application.

For information about database connection parameters in an initialization file, see “Reading values from an external file”.

For an example of how to save and restore database connection parameters in the Windows CE registry, see “Managing information in the Windows CE registry”.

Custom Today item parameters

When you deploy a PocketBuilder application, you can add a custom Today item to the Pocket PC Today screen. Information about the custom Today item is entered in the Windows CE registry. You can also remove Windows CE registry information about custom Today items from the PocketBuilder IDE.

For information about custom Today items, see the chapter on “Working with PowerScript Targets” in the User’s Guide.

Other settings you might want to save

In addition to the database connection custom Today item parameters, you might want to store a variety of other application-specific settings, such as user preferences for colors, fonts, and other display settings.