You can choose a variety of ways to present lists in your application:
ListBoxes display available choices that can be used for invoking an action or viewing and displaying data.
DropDownListBoxes also display available choices to the user. However, you can make them editable to the user.
ListView controls present lists in a combination of graphics and text. You can allow the user to add, delete, edit, and rearrange ListView items, or you can use them to invoke an action.
TreeView controls also combine graphics and text in lists. The difference is that TreeView controls show the hierarchical relationship among the TreeView items. As with ListView controls, you can allow the user to add, delete, edit, and rearrange TreeView items. You can also use them to invoke actions.
Platform notes
Support is not available for pictures in list boxes on Windows
CE platforms.
List boxes are automatically converted by PocketBuilder to spinner controls when deployed to Smartphone platforms, and extended or multiple selections for these controls are not supported. Arrow keys on a Smartphone allow the user to navigate within list view or tree view controls, but you must program a menu item to move the focus from one of these controls to a different control in the same main window.
For more information on spinner controls, see the appendix on designing applications for Windows CE platforms in the User’s Guide.