Referring to controls on tab pages

If you are referring to a control on a tab page in another window, you must fully qualify the control’s name up to the window level.

The following example shows a fully qualified reference to a static text control:

w_activity_manager.tab_fyi.tabpage_today. &
		st_currlogon_time.Text = ls_current_logon_time

This example from the PocketBuilder Code Examples sets the size of a DataWindow control on the tab page to match the size of another DataWindow control in the window. Because all the tab pages were inserted in the painter, the Control property array corresponds with the tab page index. All the pages are based on the same user object u_tab_dir:

u_tab_dir luo_Tab
luo_Tab = This.Control[newindex]
luo_Tab.dw_dir.Height = dw_list.Height
luo_Tab.dw_dir.Width = dw_list.Width

In scripts and functions for the tab page user object, the user object knows about its own controls. You do not need to qualify references to the controls. This example in a function for the u_tab_dir user object retrieves data for the dw_dir DataWindow control:

IF NOT ib_Retrieved THEN
		ib_Retrieved = TRUE

RETURN dw_dir.RowCount()