Setting preferences in the Database Preferences dialog box

To set the following connection-related database preferences, complete the Database Preferences dialog box in the PocketBuilder Database painter:

NoteOther database preferences The Database Preferences dialog box also lets you set other database preferences that affect the behavior of the Database painter itself. For information about the other preferences you can set in the Database Preferences dialog box, see the User’s Guide.

StepsTo set connection-related preferences in the Database Preferences dialog box:

  1. Open the Database painter.

  2. Select Design>Options from the menu bar.

    The Database Preferences dialog box displays. If necessary, click the General tab to display the General property page.

    Shown is the General page of the Database Preferences dialog box. The field for shared database profiles is empty. The database painter options include selected check boxes for connecting to the default profile, for keeping the connection open, and for using extended attributes. The check box for opening the database profile in read only mode is not selected.
  3. Specify values for one or more of the connection-related database preferences in the following table.

    Table 18-1: Connection-related database preferences



    For details, see

    Shared Database Profiles

    Specifies the path name of the file containing the database profiles you want to share. You can type the path name or click Browse to display it.

    “Sharing database profiles” and the Shared Database Profiles database preference in the PocketBuilder Connection Reference

    Connect to Default Profile

    Controls whether the Database painter establishes a connection to a database using a default profile when the painter is invoked. If not selected, the Database painter opens without establishing a connection to a database.

    The Connect to Default Profile database preference in the PocketBuilder Connection Reference

    Read Only

    Specifies whether PocketBuilder should update the extended attribute system tables and any other tables in your database. Select or clear the Read Only check box as follows:

    • Select the check box Does not update the extended attribute system tables or any other tables in your database. You cannot modify (update) information in the extended attribute system tables or any other database tables from the DataWindow painter when the Read Only check box is selected.

    • Clear the check box (Default) Updates the extended attribute system tables and any other tables in your database.

    The Read Only database preference in the PocketBuilder Connection Reference

    Keep Connection Open

    When you connect to a database in PocketBuilder without using a database profile, specifies when PocketBuilder closes the connection. Select or clear the Keep Connection Open check box as follows:

    • Select the check box (Default) Stays connected to the database throughout your session and closes the connection when you exit.

    • Clear the check box Opens the connection only when a painter requests it and closes the connection when you close a painter or finish compiling a script.

    NoteNot used with profile This preference has no effect when you connect using a database profile.

    The Keep Connection Open database preference in the PocketBuilder Connection Reference

    Use Extended Attributes

    Specifies whether PocketBuilder should create and use the extended attribute system tables. Select or clear the Use Extended Attributes check box as follows:

    • Select the check box (Default) Creates and uses the extended attribute system tables.

    • Clear the check box Does not create the extended attribute system tables.

    The Use Extended Attributes database preference in the PocketBuilder Connection Reference

    SQL Terminator Character

    Specifies the SQL statement terminator character used in the ISQL view in the Database painter in PocketBuilder.

    The default terminator character is a semicolon (;). If you are creating stored procedures and triggers in the ISQL view of the database painter, change the terminator character to one that you do not expect to use in the stored procedure or trigger syntax for your DBMS. A good choice is the backquote (`) character.

    The SQL Terminator Character database preference in the PocketBuilder Connection Reference

  4. Do one of the following:

    PocketBuilder saves your preference settings in the database section of PK.INI.