About ODBC Driver Manager Trace

You can use the ODBC Driver Manager Trace tool to trace a connection to any ODBC data source that you access in PocketBuilder through the ODBC interface.

ODBC Driver Manager Trace records information about ODBC API calls (such as SQLDriverConnect, SQLGetInfo, and SQLFetch) that PocketBuilder makes while connected to an ODBC data source. It writes this information to a default log file named SQL.LOG or to a log file that you specify. The default location of SQL.LOG is in your root directory.

You can display the contents of the ODBC Driver Manager Trace log file at any time during a PocketBuilder session, using the built-in file editor or any other text editor.

Which tool to use

The information from ODBC Driver Manager Trace, like that from Database Trace, can help you:

Use ODBC Driver Manager Trace instead of the Database Trace tool if you want more detailed information about the ODBC API calls made by PocketBuilder.

NotePerformance considerations Turning on ODBC Driver Manager Trace can slow performance in PocketBuilder. Therefore, use ODBC Driver Manager Trace for debugging purposes only and keep it turned off when you are not debugging.