Printing at runtime

To print from a Pocket PC device or emulator, you must install the FieldSoftware PrinterCE SDK, available from the FieldSoftware Web site. After you install this software to the target platform, you can use DataWindow and PowerScript methods to print DataWindow or DataStore objects, visual objects, or lines of text from runtime applications.

The graphs that you print from a Pocket PC device or emulator do not expand to fill the print paper (as they do when you print from the desktop). The size of a graph that you print from these platforms is not modified from its screen display size.

NoteUsing a registered copy of the FieldSoftware PrinterCE SDK You must use the SetRegistrationCode system function to supply a registration code authorizing the use of the FieldSoftware printing software. If you do not call this function, PocketBuilder assumes you are using an evaluation copy of the FieldSoftware PrinterCE SDK and attempts to make subsequent print function calls using the evaluation software.

For more information, see “SetRegistrationCode” in the online Help.