Deleting items

To allow the user to delete items, enable the TreeView’s DeleteItems property. When the user presses the Delete key, the selected item is deleted and the DeleteItem event is triggered. Any children are deleted too.

If you want more control over deleting, such as allowing deleting of detail items only, you can call the DeleteItem function instead of setting the property. The function also triggers the DeleteItem event.


This script is for a TreeView user event. Its event ID is pbm_keydown and it is triggered by key presses when the TreeView has focus. The script checks whether the Delete key is pressed and whether the selected item is at the detail level. If both are true, it deletes the item.

The value of the TreeView’s DeleteItems property is false. Otherwise, the user can delete any item, despite this code:

TreeViewItem tvi
long h_item

IF KeyDown(KeyDelete!) = TRUE THEN
   h_item = This.FindItem(CurrentTreeItem!, 0)
   This.GetItem(h_item, tvi)
   IF tvi.Level = 3 THEN