This section has code fragments illustrating how to get script information from a ClassDefinition object called cd_windef.
For examples of assigning a value to cd_windef, see “Getting a class definition object”.
The ScriptList array holds ScriptDefinition objects for all the functions and events defined for a class. If a function is overloaded, it will appear in the array more than once with different argument lists. If a function or event has code at more than one level in the hierarchy, it will appear in the array for each coded version.
This example loops through the ScriptList array and builds a list of script names. All objects have a few standard functions, such as ClassName and PostEvent, because all objects are inherited from PowerObject:
string s, lineend integer li ScriptDefinition sd lineend = "~r~n"
FOR li = 1 to UpperBound(cd_windef.ScriptList) sd = cd_windef.ScriptList[li] s = s + sd.Name + " " + lineend NEXT mle_1.Text = s
This example amplifies the previous one and accesses various properties in the ScriptDefinition object. It reports whether the script is a function or event, whether it is scripted locally, what its return datatype and arguments are, and how the arguments are passed:
string s, lineend integer li, lis, li_bound ScriptDefinition sd lineend = "~r~n" FOR li = 1 to UpperBound(cd_windef.ScriptList) sd = cd_windef.ScriptList[li] s = s + sd.Name + " " CHOOSE CASE sd.Kind CASE ScriptEvent! // Events have three relevant properties // regarding where code is defined s = s + "Event, " IF sd.IsScripted = TRUE then s = s + "scripted, " END If IF sd.IsLocallyScripted = TRUE THEN s = s + "local, " END IF IF sd.IsLocallyDefined = TRUE THEN s = s + "local def," END IF CASE ScriptFunction! // Functions have one relevant property // regarding where code is defined s = s + "Function, " IF sd.IsLocallyScripted = TRUE THEN s = s + "local, " END IF END CHOOSE s = s + "returns " + & sd.ReturnType.DataTypeOf + "; " s = s + "Args: " li_bound = UpperBound(sd.ArgumentList) IF li_bound = 0 THEN s = s + "None" FOR lis = 1 to li_bound CHOOSE CASE sd.ArgumentList[lis]. & CallingConvention CASE ByReferenceArgument! s = s + "REF " CASE ByValueArgument! s = s + "VAL " CASE ReadOnlyArgument! s = s + "READONLY " CASE ELSE s = s + "BUILTIN " END CHOOSE s = s + sd.ArgumentList[lis].Name + ", " NEXT s = s + lineend NEXT mle_1.text = s
Where the code is in the inheritance hierarchy You can check the IsLocallyScripted property to find out whether a script has code at the class’s own level in the inheritance hierarchy. By walking back up the inheritance hierarchy using the Ancestor property, you can find out where the code is for a script.
This example looks at the scripts for the class associated with the ClassDefinition cd_windef, and if a script’s code is defined at this level, the script’s name is added to a drop-down list. It also saves the script’s position in the ScriptList array in the instance variable ii_localscript_idx.
The DropDownListBox is not sorted, so the positions in the list and the array stay in sync:
integer li_pos, li FOR li = 1 to UpperBound(cd_windef.ScriptList) IF cd_windef.ScriptList[li].IsLocallyScripted & = TRUE THEN li_pos = ddlb_localscripts.AddItem( & cd_windef.ScriptList[li].Name) ii_localscript_idx[li_pos] = li END IF NEXT
When a class has overloaded functions, you can call FindMatchingFunction to find out what function is called for a particular argument list.
For an example, see FindMatchingFunction in the online Help.