Sample ODBC Driver Manager Trace output

This section shows a partial example of output from ODBC Driver Manager Trace to give you an idea of the information it provides. The example is part of the trace on an ODBC connection to the ASA Demo DB.

For more about a particular ODBC API call, see your ODBC documentation.

PK20    1d9-1bb EXIT  SQLSetConnectOptionW with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
         HDBC           01643D08
         UWORD                 104 <SQL_OPT_TRACE>
         SQLULEN               1

PK20    1d9-1bb ENTER SQLSetConnectOptionW 
         HDBC           01643D08
         UWORD                 105 <SQL_OPT_TRACEFILE>
         SQLULEN         17654398

PK20    1d9-1bb EXIT  SQLSetConnectOptionW with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
         HDBC           01643D08
         UWORD                 105 <SQL_OPT_TRACEFILE>
         SQLULEN         17654398
PK20    1d9-1bb ENTER SQLDriverConnectW 
         HDBC           01643D08
         HWND           01DB04FE
         WCHAR *        0x1F7F8B88 [    -3] "******\ 0"
         SWORD                  -3 
         WCHAR *        0x1F7F8B88 
         SWORD                   8 
         SWORD *        0x00000000
         UWORD                   1 <SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE>

PK20    1d9-1bb EXIT  SQLDriverConnectW  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
         HDBC           01643D08
         HWND           01DB04FE
         WCHAR *        0x1F7F8B88 [    -3] "******\ 0"   
         SWORD                  -3 
         WCHAR *        0x1F7F8B88 
         SWORD                   8 
         SWORD *        0x00000000
         UWORD                   1 <SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE>

PK20    1d9-1bb ENTER SQLGetInfoW 
         HDBC           01643D08
         UWORD                   6 <SQL_DRIVER_NAME>
         PTR            0x001293CC 
         SWORD                 258 
         SWORD *        0x001293CA

PK20    1d9-1bb EXIT  SQLGetInfoW  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
         HDBC           01643D08
         UWORD                   6 <SQL_DRIVER_NAME>
         PTR            0x001293CC [    22] "DBODBC9.DLL"
         SWORD                 258 
         SWORD *        0x001293CA (22)