Connecting to a database

To establish or change a database connection in PocketBuilder in the Database Profiles dialog box, select the database profile for the database you want to access.

StepsTo connect to a database using the Database Profiles dialog box:

  1. Click the Database Profile button in the PowerBar, or select Tools>Database Profile from the PowerBar.

  2. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of the database interface you want to use or double-click its name.

    The list expands to display the database profiles defined for the interface.

  3. Select the name of the database profile you want to access and click Connect.

    PocketBuilder connects to the specified database and closes the dialog box.

NoteUsing the Database painter to select a database profile You can also select the database profile for the database you want to access from the Database painter’s Objects view and select Connect from its pop-up menu. However, this method uses more system resources than using the Database Profiles dialog box.