You can use the Enhanced CAB Generation tool as an alternative to the Project painter to generate CAB files for application distribution. The tool lets you include additional items in the generated CAB without manual modifications to the generated file.
The tool includes check boxes for the selection of files that you want to include with the CAB file that you generate. These selections include DLLs for the PocketBuilder VM, executables for the SQL Anywhere runtime engine, files for SQL Anywhere database connections, and registry entries to enable SMS reception capability in your PocketBuilder applications.
Building setup files with the Enhanced CAB Generation
The Enhanced CAB Generation tool also lets you generate a
setup file that can install the CAB on a connected device. The setup
file generation requires the EZSetup executable that you can download
from the Spb Software House Web site.
When you generate a CAB or setup file with the Enhanced CAB Generation tool, a log file, err.log, is also created. The err.log file logs warnings and errors that occur during generation of the CAB or setup files.
The Enhanced CAB Generation tool includes the Cab Config, Database Options, PocketBuilder Options, Preview, Build, and Afaria tab pages.
Table 27-7 lists and describes the fields of the Cab Config tab page of the Enhanced CAB Generation tool.
Cab Config field |
Description |
Application Name |
Required field for saving profile settings; can also be used in the application deployment path |
Company Name |
Optional field that can be used as a directory name in the application deployment path |
Reset Deployment Path Using Company Name |
Button that adds company and application name to deployment path for the CAB file |
Deployment Path |
The default deployment path for the application is %CE1% (\Program Files) |
Create CABs for |
Radio button options for selecting the device or emulator where you want to deploy the generated CAB file |
Directory for Application Files Included in Deployment |
Directory containing the application files you want to deploy |
File Types to Include |
Comma-separated list of the types of files to be added to the CAB from the appplication files directory; file extensions should be listed with a period (such as “.pkd, .dll”) although files can also be specified with a standard file name |
Executable |
The name of the executable file for the application |
Add Shortcut to Start Menu |
Check box for deploying a shortcut for the application; this must be selected to enable the Shortcut Link field |
Shortcut Link |
Displays where the shortcut is added; the shortcut must use the %CE11% (\Windows\Start Menu\Programs) special folder variable; you can add a subdirectory to this path when the field is enabled |
Table 27-8 lists and describes the fields of the Database Options tab page of the Enhanced CAB Generation tool.
Database Options field |
Description |
Deploy Application Database |
Check box that must be selected to enable other options on the Database Options tab page |
DSN-File |
The name and desktop location of a DSN file you want to use for the application database connection |
DB-File |
The name and desktop location of a database file |
DB-Log File |
The name and desktop location of a database log file |
DB Directory on Device |
Directory on the device for the database file when you include one in the deployment CAB |
Include ASA Support DLLs and EXEs |
Check box for adding SQL Anywhere DLLs and executables and enabling other database options in the CAB file |
Database |
Version of the SQL Anywhere, Adaptive Server Anywhere, or UltraLite database system |
ASA Language |
Two-letter code that determines the language you want to use with the database |
ASA Source |
The location of the desktop database system files |
ASA Executables Path on Device |
The path on the device where you want to deploy database executables |
Table 27-9 lists and describes the fields of the PocketBuilder Options tab page of the Enhanced CAB Generation tool.
PocketBuilder Options field |
Description |
Include PocketBuilder Support DLLs |
Adds PKVM25.DLL, for the PocketBuilder virtual machine, and PKDWE25.DLL, for the DataWindow engine, to the CAB file that the Enhanced CAB Generation tool generates and enables other options on the PocketBuilder Options tab page |
PocketBuilder Source |
Desktop location of PocketBuilder support DLLs for the deployment platform you want to use |
Include Hardware Support DLL |
Adds PKHDW25.DLL to the generated CAB File for barcode scanners, biometric scanners, and cameras |
Include Phone and SMS Support DLL |
Adds PKPHN25.DLL to the generated CAB File for telephone and SMS support |
Include Pocket Outlook Support DLL |
Adds PKPOOM25.DLL to the generated CAB File for POOM object support |
Include Graphing Support DLL |
Adds PKBGR25.DLL to the generated CAB File for graph support |
Include UltraLite 9 Database Driver DLL |
Adds PKUL925.DLL to the generated CAB File for UltraLite 9 support |
Include UltraLite 10 Database Driver DLL |
Adds PKUL1025.DLL to the generated CAB File for UltraLite 10 support |
Include ODBC Database Driver DLL |
Adds PKODB25.DLL to the generated CAB File for ODBC database support |
Include Today Screen Interface DLL |
Adds PKTDY25.DLL to the generated CAB File for Today screen support |
New Look for Standard Icons and Bitmaps |
Adds the version of PKICN25.DLL to the generated CAB File that includes all default icons and bitmaps used in the current release of PocketBuilder |
Old Look for Standard Icons and Bitmaps |
Adds the version of PKICN25.DLL to the generated CAB File that includes icons and bitmaps used in earlier releases of PocketBuilder |
None of the PocketBuilder Standard Icons and Bitmaps |
Prevents the inclusion of any version of the PKICN25.DLL in the generated CAB file |
Deploy SMS Reception DLL |
Adds the PKSMS25.DLL to the generated CAB file for SMS reception support |
Insert Registry Entries for SMS Reception |
Includes registry entries for the SMS reception DLL in the CAB; the entries are added to the device registry when the CAB is unzipped |
SMS Reception is Read Only |
Includes a registry entry string value that prevents deletion of an incoming SMS message by a PocketBuilder application |
Table 27-10 lists and describes the fields of the Preview tab page of the Enhanced CAB Generation tool.
Preview field |
Description |
Generate CAB Info File |
Button that displays the INF file contents in the Preview window |
Copy into Clipboard |
Button that copies the INF file contents to the desktop clipboard |
Save Settings |
Button that saves your settings in a CAB enhancement tool profile; the profile takes the name you selected in the Application Name field on the CAB Config tab page |
Table 27-11 lists and describes the fields of the Build tab page of the Enhanced CAB Generation tool.
Build field |
Description |
Output Path |
Path on the desktop where you want to generate a CAB or setup file, and INF and CMD files |
CAB-INF Name |
Name of the INF file that you generate for inclusion in the CAB file |
CMD File (for CAB generation) |
The command file for generating the CAB |
EZSetup |
Desktop location of the EZSetup executable that is required to create a setup file; you can download this executable at no charge from the Spb Software House Web site |
INF Name |
Name of the INF file to generate with the setup file |
CMD File (for setup executable file creation) |
Name of the command file that is automatically created and used to generate the setup file |
EULA File |
End-user license agreement file that EZSetup requires for inclusion with the setup file it generates |
ReadMe File |
Readme file for inclusion with the setup file; this is a required file for the setup file generation |
Language |
Drop-down list of languages you can use in the setup file for the initial CAB installation screens |
Save Settings |
Button that saves your settings in a CAB enhancement tool profile; the profile takes the name you selected in the Application Name field on the CAB Config tab page |
Create CAB File |
Button that generates the CAB file |
Create Setup Executable |
Button that generates the setup file |
Afaria® is a Sybase tool that provides management and security capabilities for wireless devices. You can use the Enhanced CAB Generation tool to deploy a PocketBuilder application to an Afaria software channel.
Table 27-12 lists the items on the Afaria tab page of the Enhanced CAB Generation tool.
Field or control |
Description |
Afaria UNC path |
Universal Naming Convention (UNC) location where the software for the Afaria channel resides. You should refresh the channel contents after deploying any files. |
Deploy CAB |
Select this check box to deploy a CAB file. |
File Name |
Select the CAB file that you want to deploy to an Afaria channel. |
Deploy Files |
Select this check box to deploy application files not packaged in a CAB file. |
File Path |
Select the path containing the application files you want to deploy. |
File Types to Include |
List the file types in the selected file path that you want to copy. By default, files with EXE, PKD, JPG, GIF, and INI extensions are copied to the Afaria channel. |
Copy button |
Click this button to copy the selected source file or files to the designated Afaria channel. The names and locations of the files that you copy display in the untitled list box below the Copy button. |
Clear button |
Click this button to clear information from the untitled list box. |