Accessing ECMAP Debugger in Windows

  1. Modify these three variables in the mapdebug.bat file for Windows according to your installation locations:

  2. You can access ECMAP Debugger in Windows in different ways:

WARNING! When you double-click the ECMAP Debugger icon or run mapdebugger.bat from a command prompt, a DOS window opens first, followed by ECMAP Debugger.

Do not close the DOS window while ECMAP Debugger is open. The DOS window will close when you exit ECMAP Debugger.

The DOS window displays messages as you perform actions in ECMAP Debugger. You can save these messages to a text file to help you to troubleshoot any problems with ECMAP Debugger, by using the redirection option in DOS. For example, to save DOS window messages to the console.txt file, enter:

%MAPDEBUG_HOME%\bin\mapdebug.bat > console.txt