Provides information about SQL grammar, syntax, and capabilities that the target DBMS supports.
sp_sqlgetinfo [attribute_name]
is the name of a particular SQL option.
This function corresponds to the ODBC function SQLGetInfo.
If this procedure is called but no option is specified, the result set includes all SQL options.
If the attribute is not found in the internal table, the access service returns an error.
If the parameter is not provided, the access service returns a result set of all supported SQL options.
Result set information is described in the following sections.
Table 12-5 shows the format.
sql_option |
varchar(30) |
not null |
sql_value |
varchar(255) |
null |
If the sql_value column
is NULL, this option is not supported for the target DBMS.
Table 12-6 lists options for the ECDA Option for ODBC and SQL options A through L.
SQL option |
Description |
ICD_Cursor_Support |
Bitmask indicating cursor support. |
ICD_Dynamic_Support |
Bitmask indicating dynamic statement support. |
ICD_Execdirect |
Bitmask indicating how dynamic execdirect statement is supported. |
ICD_Language_Support |
Bitmask indicating language statement support. No parameter marker support. |
ICD_Longtypes_Supported |
Support for long types as parameters. |
ICD_Modify_Groupby |
Intersolv driver insures GROUP BY clause when aggregate functions are used as part of the select list. |
SQL_Accessible_Procedures |
User can execute all procedures returned by sp_stored_procedures. |
SQL_Accessible_Tables |
User is guaranteed SELECT privileges to tables returned by sp_tables. |
SQL_Active_Connections |
No known limit to the number of connections. |
SQL_Active_Statements |
No known limit to the number of statements for a connection. |
SQL_Alter_Table |
Bitmask indicating which clauses in ALTER TABLE are supported. |
SQL_Bookmark_Persistence |
Bitmask enumerating through which bookmarks persist. None supported. |
SQL_Column_Alias |
Support for column alias. |
SQL_Concat_Null_Behavior |
Bitmask indicating how the DBMS handles concatenations with NULLS. |
SQL_Convert_Bigint SQL_Convert_Binary SQL_Convert_Bit SQL_Convert_Char SQL_Convert_Date SQL_Convert_Decimal SQL_Convert_Double SQL_Convert_Float SQL_Convert_Integer SQL_Convert_Longvarbinary SQL_Convert_Longvarchar SQL_Convert_Numeric SQL_Convert_Real SQL_Convert_Smallint SQL_Convert_Time SQL_Convert_Timestamp SQL_Convert_Tinyint SQL_Convert_Varbinary SQL_Convert_Varchar |
Bitmask indicating conversions “to type” supported. |
SQL_Convert_Functions |
Bitmask indicating conversion functions supported. |
SQL_Correlation_Name |
Table correlation names supported. |
SQL_CSP_Support |
Sybase/Intersolv extension for supporting CSPs. Value = 16383. |
SQL_Cursor_Commit_Behavior |
Bitmask indicating how a commit operation affects a cursor. |
SQL_Cursor_Rollback_Behavior |
Bitmask indicating how a rollback operation affects a cursor. |
SQL_Cursor_Sensitivity |
A value indicating support for cursor sensitivity. |
SQL_Database_Name |
Value provided by the DirectConnect server. |
SQL_Date_Source_Read_Only |
The data source is read/write. |
The target DBMS name. A maximum of 30 characters is returned. |
The target DBMS version in the form ##.##.####. A maximum of 30 characters is returned. The version string may have target-specific information that follows. |
SQL_Default_TXN_Isolation |
Bitmask indicating the default transaction level supported by the DBMS. |
SQL_Dynamic_Cursor_Attributes1 |
Bitmask that describes the attributes of a dynamic cursor that are supported by the driver (1st subset of attributes.) |
SQL_Dynamic_Cursor_Attributes2 |
Bitmask that diatribes the attributes of a dynamic cursor that are supported by the driver (2nd subset of attributes.) |
SQL_Expressions_In_Orderby |
Support for expressions in order by clause. |
SQL_Fetch_Direction |
Bitmask enumerating supported options. |
SQL_File_Usage |
Files treated in data source. |
SQL_Forward_Only_Cursor_Attributes1 |
A bitmask that describes the attributes of a forward-only cursor that are supported by the driver (1st subset of attributes.) |
SQL_Forward_Only_Cursor_Attributes2 |
A bitmask that describes the attributes of a forward-only cursor that are supported by the driver (2nd subset of attributes.) |
SQL_Getdata_Extensions |
Bitmask enumerating extensions to SQLGetData. |
SQL_Group_By |
Bitmask indicating the relationship between GROUP BY columns supported in the DBMS. |
SQL_Identifier_Case |
Defines whether identifiers are case sensitive. |
SQL_Identifier_Quote_Char |
Character used to delimit quoted identifiers. |
SQL_Keywords |
See the Microsoft ODBC 3.5 Programmer’s Reference and SDK Guide for information. |
SQL_Like_Escape_Clause |
Support of “%” character and “_” character as escape characters in like clause. |
SQL_Lock_Types |
Bitmask enumerating supported lock types. |
Table 12-7 lists SQL options M through Z for sp_sqlgetinfo.
SQL option |
Description |
SQL_Max_Binary_Literal_Len |
Maximum length of binary literal is either unknown or unlimited. |
SQL_Max_Char_Literal_Len |
Maximum length of character literal is either unknown or unlimited. |
SQL_Max_Column_Name_Len |
Maximum length for a column name. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means not supported. |
SQL_Max_Columns_In_Group_By |
Maximum number of columns allowed in a SQL GROUP BY clause. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means that the limit is unknown or unlimited. |
SQL_Max_Columns_In_Index |
Maximum number of columns allowed in a SQL CREATE INDEX. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means that the limit is unknown. |
SQL_Max_Columns_In_Order_By |
Maximum number of columns allowed in a SQL ORDER BY clause. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means that the limit is unknown. |
SQL_Max_Columns_In_Select |
Maximum number of columns allowed in a SQL SELECT column list. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means that the limit is unknown. |
SQL_Max_Columns_In_Table |
Maximum number of columns allowed in a SQL CREATE TABLEE. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means that the limit is unknown. |
SQL_Max_Cursor_Name_Len |
Maximum length for a cursor name. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means not supported. |
SQL_Max_Index_Size |
Maximum number of characters allowed in the combined column length of an index. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 indicates that the limit is unknown. |
SQL_Max_Identifier_Len |
Maximum size in characters that the data source supports for user-defined names. |
SQL_Max_Owner_Name_Len |
Maximum length for an owner name. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means not supported. |
SQL_Max_Procedure_Name_Len |
Maximum length for a procedure name. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means not supported. |
SQL_Max_Qualifier_Name_Len |
Maximum length for a qualifier name. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means not supported. |
SQL_Max_Row_Size |
Maximum number of characters allowed in the combined column length of a row in a table. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means that the limit is unknown. |
SQL_Max_Row_Size_Includes_Long |
Includes the length of all long datatypes. |
SQL_Max_Statement_Len |
Maximum length allowed for a SQL statement. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means that the limit is unknown. |
SQL_Max_Table_Name_Len |
Maximum length allowed for a table name. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means not supported. |
SQL_Max_Tables_In_Select |
Maximum number of columns allowed in a SQL SELECT FROM clause. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means that the limit is unknown. |
SQL_Max_User_Name_Len |
Maximum length for the user name. Convert this string to an integer. A value of 0 means not supported. |
SQL_Mult_Result_Sets |
Driver does not support multiple result sets in a given language event. |
SQL_Multiple_Active_TXN |
Only one connection can have an active transaction. |
SQL_Need_Long_Data_Len |
Need the length of the long datatypes. |
SQL_Non_Nullable_Columns |
Bitmask indicating whether the DBMS supports non-nullable columns. |
SQL_Null_Collation |
Bitmask indicating how the DBMS collates NULL values. |
SQL_Numeric_Functions |
Bitmask indicating the supported scalar numeric functions. |
SQL_ODBC_API_Conformance |
Bitmask enumerating ODBC level. |
SQL_ODBC_SAG_CLI_Conformance |
Bitmask enumerating compliance to functions of the SAG specification. |
SQL_ODBC_SQL_Conformance |
Bitmask indicating supported SQL grammar. |
Support for Integrity Enhancement Facility (IEF). |
SQL_Order_By_Columns_In_Select |
Columns in ORDER BY clause must be in select list. |
SQL_OJ_Capabilities |
A bitmask enumerating the types of outer joins supported by the driver and data source. |
SQL_Outer_Joins |
Support for outer joins. |
SQL_Owner_Term |
The DBMS term for an owner name. A maximum of 30 characters is returned. A null value means not supported. |
SQL_Owner_Usage |
Bitmask indicating statements in which owners can be used. |
SQL_Pos_Operations |
Bitmask enumerating the operations in SQLSetPos. |
SQL_Positioned_Statements |
Bitmask indicating supported positioned SQL statements. |
SQL_Procedure_Term |
DBMS term for a procedure name. A maximum of 30 characters is returned. A null value means not supported. |
SQL_Procedures |
Support for procedures. |
SQL_Qualifier_Location |
Bitmask indicating the position of the qualifier in a qualified table name. |
SQL_Qualifier_Name_Separator |
Character or string separator between the qualifier and the name element. A maximum of five characters is returned. |
SQL_Qualifier_Term |
DBMS term for a qualifier name. A maximum of 30 characters is returned. |
SQL_Qualifier_Usage |
Bitmask indicating in which statements a qualifier can be used. |
SQL_Quoted_Identifier_Case |
Bitmask describing SQL identifier case and storage in system tables when used in SQL statements. |
SQL_Row_Updates |
See the Microsoft ODBC 3.5 Programmer’s Reference and SDK Guide for information. |
SQL_Scroll_Concurrency |
Bitmask identifying concurrency control options for scrollable cursors. |
SQL_Scroll_Options |
Bitmask indicating scroll options for scrollable cursors. |
SQL_Search_Pattern_Escape |
See the Microsoft ODBC 3.5 Programmer’s Reference and SDK Guide for information. |
SQL_Set_Database_Context |
Sybase/Intersolv extension for supporting CSPs. If value = Y, the driver issues use_database_name to the configured database name and is sensitive to three-part names. |
SQL_Special_Characters |
Special characters used in object names. All characters except a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and the underscore character. |
SQL_SQL_Conformance |
A value indicating the level of SQL-92 supported by the driver. |
SQL_String_Functions |
Bitmask indicating supported scalar string functions. |
SQL_Subqueries |
Bitmask indicating predicates that support subqueries. |
SQL_System_Functions |
Bitmask indicating supported scalar system functions. |
SQL_Table_Term |
DBMS term for a table name. A maximum of 30 characters is returned. |
SQL_TimeDate_Add_Intervals |
Bitmask indicating supported timestamp intervals associated with TIMESTAMPADD function. |
SQL_TimeDate_Diff_Intervals |
Bitmask indicating supported timestamp intervals associated with TIMESTAMPDIFF function. |
SQL_TimeDate_Functions |
Bitmask indicating supported timestamp intervals. |
SQL_TXN_Capable |
Indicates the transaction support in the DBMS. |
SQL_TXN_Isolation_Option |
Bitmask indicating transaction isolation levels. |
SQL_Union |
Bitmask indicating support for union clause. |
SQL_User_Name |
Current user name. A maximum of SQL_Max_User_Name_Len characters are returned. A null value means not supported. |