The IPB_VM interface loads PowerBuilder applications in third-party applications and interoperates with the PowerBuilder virtual machine (PBVM).
IPB_VM has two methods:
Creates an IPB_Session object that can be used to call PowerBuilder functions.
CreateSession(LPCTSTR applicationName, LPCTSTR* libraryList, pbuint numLibs, IPB_Session** session)
Argument |
Description |
applicationName |
The name of the current application object in lowercase |
libraryList |
The library list of the PowerBuilder application that contains the objects and functions to be called |
numLibs |
The number of libraries in the library list |
session |
A pointer to IPB_Session*, which will return the current IPB_Session pointer after the call |
PBXRESULT. PBX_OK for success.
This example creates an IPB_Session with the simple library list mydemo.pbl:
IPB_Session* session; IPB_VM* vm = NULL; fstream out; ifstream in; PBXRESULT ret; HINSTANCE hinst=LoadLibrary("pbvm115.dll"); if ( hinst== NULL) return 0; out<< "Loaded PowerBuilder VM successfully!"<<endl; P_PB_GetVM getvm = (P_PB_GetVM)GetProcAddress (hinst, "PB_GetVM"); if (getvm == NULL) return 0; getvm(&vm); if (vm == NULL) return 0; static const char *liblist[] = { "mydemo.pbl" }; ret= vm->CreateSession("mydemo", liblist, 1, &session); if (ret != PBX_OK) { out << "Create session failed." << endl; return 0; } out << "Create session succeeded!" <<endl;
Runs the specified application.
RunApplication(LPCTSTR applicationName, LPCTSTR* libraryList, pbuint numLibs, LPCSTR commandLine, IPB_Session** session)
Argument |
Description |
applicationName |
The name of the application object to be run, in lowercase |
libraryList |
The library list of the application |
numLibs |
The number of libraries in the library list |
commandLine |
Parameters to be passed to the application object |
session |
A pointer to IPB_Session*, which will return the current IPB_Session pointer after the call |
PBXRESULT. PBX_OK for success.
This code fragment loads the PowerBuilder VM and runs an application called runapp that uses one library, runapp.pbd. It passes in a command line with two arguments:
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPCTSTR szHello = "Hello world";
// Provide command line parameters (employee ids) // to be passed to the PowerBuilder application LPCTSTR szcommandline = "102 110"; int wmId, wmEvent, ret; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc; switch (message) { case WM_CREATE: { hPBVMInst = ::LoadLibrary("pbvm115.dll"); P_PB_GetVM getvm = (P_PB_GetVM) GetProcAddress(hPBVMInst,"PB_GetVM"); IPB_VM* vm = NULL; getvm(&vm); static const char *liblist [] = {"runapp.pbd"}; vm->RunApplication("runapp", liblist, 1, szcommandline, &session); break; }