
Reports the position of the insertion point in a DataWindow.

To report


The position of the insertion point in a DataWindow that does not have a RichTextEdit presentation style

Syntax 1 For DataWindows with standard presentation styles

The position of the insertion point or the start and end of selected text in a DataWindow whose object has the RichTextEdit presentation style

Syntax 2 For DataWindows with RichTextEdit presentation styles

Syntax 1 For DataWindows with standard presentation styles


Determines the position of the insertion point in an edit control.

Applies to

DataWindow type

Method applies to


DataWindow control

Web ActiveX

DataWindow control



long editname.Position ( ) 

Web ActiveX

number editname.Position ( ) 




A reference to a DataWindow control in which you want to find the location of the insertion point


Returns the location of the insertion point in editname if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs. If editname is null, Position returns null.


Position reports the position number of the character immediately following the insertion point. For example, Position returns 1 if the cursor is at the beginning of editname. If text is selected in editname, Position reports the number of the first character of the selected text.

Position reports the insertion point’s position in the edit control over the current row and column.

NotePowerBuilder environment For use with other PowerBuilder controls, see Position in the PowerScript Reference.


Example 1

If mle_EmpAddress contains Boston Street, the cursor is immediately after the n in Boston, and no text is selected, this statement returns 7:


Example 2

If mle_EmpAddress contains Boston Street and Street is selected, this statement returns 8 (the position of the S in Street):


See also

Syntax 2 For DataWindows with RichTextEdit presentation styles


Determines the line and column position of the insertion point or the start and end of selected text in a RichTextEdit control.

Applies to

DataWindow type

Method applies to


DataWindow control



band rtename.Position ( long fromline, long fromchar {, long toline, long tochar } 




A reference to a DataWindow control. The DataWindow object in the DataWindow control must be a RichTextEdit DataWindow.


A variable in which you want to save the number of the line where the insertion point or the start of the selection is.


A variable in which you want to save the number in the line of the first character in the selection or after the insertion point.

toline (optional)

A variable in which you want to save the number of the line where the selection ends.

tochar (optional)

A variable in which you want to save the number in the line of the character before which the selection ends.


Returns the band containing the selection or insertion point. The returned value is a value of the Band enumerated datatype (Detail!, Header!, or Footer!).


Position reports the position of the insertion point if you omit the toline and tochar arguments. If text is selected, the insertion point can be at the beginning or the end of the selection. For example, if the user dragged down to select text, the insertion point is at the end.

If there is a selection, a character argument can be set to 0 to indicate that the selection begins or ends at the start of a line, with nothing else selected on that line. When the user drags up, the selection can begin at the start of a line and fromchar is set to 0. When the user drags down, the selection can end at the beginning of a line and tochar is set to 0.

Selection or insertion point

To find out whether there is a selection or just an insertion point, specify all four arguments. If toline and tochar are set to 0, then there is no selection, only an insertion point. If there is a selection and you want the position of the insertion point, you will have to call Position again with only two arguments. This difference is described next.

The position of the insertion point and end of selection can differ

When reporting the position of selected text, the positions are inclusive—Position reports the first line and character and the last line and character that are selected. When reporting the position of the insertion point, Position identifies the character just after the insertion point. Therefore, if text is selected and the insertion point is at the end, the values for the insertion point and the end of the selection differ.

To illustrate, suppose the first four characters in line 1 are selected and the insertion point is at the end. If you request the position of the insertion point:

rte_1.Position(ll_line, ll_char)


If you request the position of the selection:

rte_1.Position(ll_startline, ll_startchar, &

		ll_endline, ll_endchar)

Passing values to SelectText

Because values obtained with Position provide more information than simply a selection range, you cannot pass the values directly to SelectText. In particular, 0 is not a valid character position when selecting text, although it is meaningful in describing the selection.


Example 3

This example calls Position to get the band and the line and column values for the beginning and end of the selection. The values are converted to strings and displayed in the StaticText st_status:

integer li_rtn

long ll_startline, ll_startchar

long ll_endline, ll_endchar

string ls_s, ls_band

band l_band

// Get the band and start and end of the selection

l_band = rte_1.Position(ll_startline,ll_startchar,&

		ll_endline, ll_endchar)

// Convert position values to strings

ls_s = "Start line/char: " + String(ll_startline) &

		+ ", " + String(ll_startchar)

ls_s = ls_s + " End line/char: " &

		+ String(ll_endline) + ", " + String(ll_endchar)

// Convert Band datatype to string


		CASE Detail!

			ls_band = " Detail"

		CASE Header!

			ls_band = " Header"

		CASE Footer!

			ls_band = " Footer"


			ls_band = " No band"


ls_s = ls_s + ls_band

// Display the information

st_status.Text = ls_s

Example 4

This example extends the current selection down 1 line. It takes into account whether there is an insertion point or a selection, whether the insertion point is at the beginning or end of the selection, and whether the selection ends at the beginning of a line:

integer rtn

long l1, c1, l2, c2, linsert, cinsert

long l1select, c1select, l2select, c2select

// Get selection start and end

rte_1.Position(l1, c1, l2, c2)

// Get insertion point

rte_1.Position(linsert, cinsert)

IF l2 = 0 and c2 = 0 THEN //insertion point

		l1select = linsert

		c1select = cinsert

		l2select = l1select + 1 // Add 1 to end line

		c2select = c1select

ELSEIF l2 > l1 THEN // Selection, ins pt at end

		IF c2 = 0 THEN // End of selection (ins pt)

			// at beginning of a line (char 0)

			c2 = 999 // Change to end of prev line

			l2 = l2 - 1


		l1select = l1

		c1select = c1

		l2select = l2 + 1 // Add 1 to end line

		c2select = c2

ELSEIF l2 < l1 THEN // selection, ins pt at start

		IF c1 = 0 THEN // End of selection (not ins pt)

			// at beginning of a line

			c1 = 999 // Change to end of prev line

			l1 = l1 - 1


		l1select = l2

		c1select = c2

		l2select = l1 + 1 // Add 1 to end line

		// (start of selection)

		c2select = c1

ELSE // l1 = l2, selection on one line

		l1select = l1

		l2select = l2 + 1 // Add 1 to line

		IF c1 < c2 THEN // ins pt at end

			c1select = c1

			c2select = c2

		ELSE // c1 > c2, ins pt at start

			c1select = c2

			c2select = c1



// Select the extended selection

rtn = rte_1.SelectText( l1select, c1select, &

		l2select, c2select )

For an example of selecting each word in a RichTextEdit control, see SelectTextWord.

See also