Saves saves a picture and optionally overlay ink to a file or blob from an InkPicture control or saves an OLE object in an OLE control or an OLE storage object. The syntax you use depends on the type of object you want to save.
To |
To |
Save the contents of an InkPicture control |
Save an OLE object |
Saves a picture and optionally overlay ink to a file or blob from an InkPicture control.
InkPicture controls
inkpicname.Save( t | b , format { , WithInk } )
Argument |
Description |
inkpicname |
The name of the InkPicture control from which you want to save a picture. |
t |
A string containing the name and location of the file into which the picture will be saved. |
b |
The name of a blob passed by reference that will hold the picture in the control. |
format |
An integer specifying the format in which the picture is to be saved. Values are:
WithInk (optional) |
A boolean specifying whether overlay ink should be saved with the picture. Values are:
Integer. Returns 1 for success and -1 for failure.
Use the Save function to save the image in an InkPicture control to a file or blob with or without any ink annotations that have been made to it. By default, the ink is saved with the image.
The following example saves the image in an InkPicture control and its ink annotations in bitmap format into a blob, and attempts to update the image in the database:
int li_return blob lblb_ink li_return =, 0, true) UPDATEBLOB employee SET backimage = :lbb_ink WHERE emp_id = :gi_id; IF sqlca.SQLNRows > 0 THEN COMMIT; ELSE messagebox("Update failed",sqlca.sqlerrtext) END IF
The following example saves the image in an InkControl into a GIF file without any ink annotations:
int li_return string ls_pathname, ls_filename GetFileSaveName("Save As", ls_pathname, ls_filename, "GIF") li_return =, 2, false)
Saves an OLE object in an OLE control or an OLE storage object.
oleobject.Save ( )
Argument |
Description |
oleobject |
The name of an OLE control or an OLE storage variable |
Integer. Returns 0 if it succeeds and one of the following negative values if an error occurs:
-1 Control is empty
-9 Other error
If oleobject is null, Save returns null.
When you save an OLE object, PowerBuilder saves it according to the current connection between it and an open storage or file. You establish an initial connection when you call the Open function. When you call SaveAs, the old connection is ended and a new connection is established with another storage or file.
When you call Save for an OLE control, PowerBuilder saves the object in the OLE control to the storage to which it is currently connected. The storage can be a storage object variable or a OLE storage file.
If the data has never been saved in the server application, so that there is no file on disk, the Save function in PowerBuilder returns an error.
When you call Save for a storage object variable, PowerBuilder saves the storage to the file, or substorage within the file, to which it is currently connected. You must have previously established a connection to an OLE storage file on disk, or a substorage within the file, either with Open or SaveAs.
When do you have to save twice?
If you create a storage object variable and then open that
object in an OLE control, you need to call Save twice
to write changed OLE information to disk: once to save from the
object in the control to the storage, and again to save the storage
to its associated file.
This example saves the object in the control ole_1 back to the storage from which it was loaded, either a storage object variable or a file on disk:
integer result
result = ole_1.Save()
This example saves a storage object to its file. Olestor_1 is an instance variable of type olestorage:
integer result
result = olestor_1.Save()
In a window’s Open script, this code creates a storage variable ole_stor, which is declared as an instance variable, and associates it with a storage file that contains several Visio drawings. The script then opens one of the drawings into the control ole_draw. After the user activates and edits the object, the script for a Save button saves the object to the storage and then to the storage’s file.
The script for the window’s Open event includes:
OLEStorage stg_stor
stg_stor = CREATE OLEStorage
ole_draw.Open(ole_stor, "visio_drawing1")
The script for the Save button’s Clicked event is:
integer result
result = ole_draw.Save()
IF result = 0 THEN ole_stor.Save()