Each PowerBuilder COM object supports a single interface that exposes a method for each user-defined public function in the custom class user object.
The function’s return value is represented by an additional retval argument. For example, if an object has these user object functions:
f_addtwo (long al_num1, long al_num2) returns long f_getinfo (REF string as_name, REF integer ai_age, REF character ac_gender) returns integer
These member functions are generated in the IDL file:
HRESULT f_addtwo( [in] long al_num1, [in] long al_num2, [out, retval] long * retval ); HRESULT f_getinfo( [in, out] BSTR * as_name, [in, out] short * ai_age, [in, out] unsigned char * ac_gender, [out, retval] short * retval );
Since COM objects never expose their data, public instance variables in the custom class user object can be represented in the COM object as interface methods for getting and setting the variable value. To specify that variable accessor methods will be exposed in the interface, you can use the Project wizard or the Objects property page in the Project painter.
If the public variable is writable, the put method will be exposed. For private and protected variables and variables declared as privateread or protectedread and privatewrite or protectedwrite, no methods are generated. If the variable is publicly readable, the get method will be exposed. For example, if an object has these instance variables:
public string is_name private integer ii_a public privatewrite string is_label constant real lr_pi = 3.14159265
These are the methods that are generated in the IDL file:
[id(4), propget] HRESULT is_name([out,retval] BSTR *is_name); [id(4), propput] HRESULT is_name([in] BSTR is_name); [id(1), propget] HRESULT is_label([out,retval] BSTR *is_label); [id(6), propget] HRESULT lr_pi( [out,retval] float * lr_pi);
PowerBuilder datatypes map to COM datatypes as shown in Table 26-2.
PowerBuilder datatype |
COM datatype (variants) |
Boolean |
Variant_BOOL |
Character |
Unsigned char |
Integer |
Short |
UnsignedInteger |
Unsigned short |
Long |
Long |
UnsignedLong |
Unsigned long |
Real |
Float |
Double |
Double |
Decimal |
Double |
String |
Date |
Time |
DateTime |
Blob |
SAFEARRAY (Unsigned char) |
Arrays (PowerBuilder datatype) |
SAFEARRAY (COM datatype) |
ResultSet |
Custom class user objects* |
Any |
Not supported |
Global structures |
Not supported |
OLEObjects |
Not supported |
* Custom class user objects must be created within the same client in the same COM apartment (that is, in the same thread)