Regardless of the type of application you are deploying, you must include any supporting files such as dynamic libraries, resources like BMP and ICO files, online Help files, and initialization files. Each application type requires a different set of supporting files. The PowerBuilder runtime files, such as pbvm115.dll and pbdwe115.dll, and PowerBuilder database interfaces such as pbsnc115.dll and pbo10115.dll, can be freely distributed with your application with no licensing fee.
Chapter 36, “Packaging an Application for Deployment,” helps you make decisions about deploying a PowerBuilder executable application, such as whether to use dynamic libraries, Pcode or machine code, and resource files. It also provides a checklist to make sure you install all the required pieces.
If you are deploying a Web application or a transaction server component, you will find the information about PowerBuilder dynamic libraries (PBDs) and PowerBuilder resource files (PBRs) in that chapter helpful. You should also read the documentation for specific types of applications, components, or plug-ins elsewhere in this book or in the book listed in Table 37-1.
Application type |
Where to find information |
EAServer components |
Application server components |
The Users Guide in the PowerBuilder Application Server Plug-in documentation set. |
.NET applications and components |
Deploying Applications and Components to .NET |
Web DataWindow and DataWindow Web control for ActiveX |
DataWindow Programmers Guide |
This chapter is intended to help you write installation programs using a third-party software package that creates installation configurations. It tells you which files each computer needs, where you can find the files, where they should be installed, and what registry settings need to be made. PowerBuilder Enterprise also provides a tool, described in “PowerBuilder Runtime Packager”, to help you package the files your application needs.
Use Table 37-2 to locate information about the specific files you need to deploy with your application.
Scenario |
See these sections |
All PowerBuilder client applications |
PowerBuilder client application accessing data on a database server |
PowerBuilder clients for EJBs, SOAP Web services, and XML services |
PowerBuilder clients that save data in PDF or XSL-FO format |
Web application using the DataWindow Web control for ActiveX |
EAServer component created in PowerBuilder |
Web application using Web DataWindow with EAServer |
The Installed path listed after some of the tables in this chapter is the location where files are installed when you install PowerBuilder and select the default installation location. When you build an installation program for your application, you can copy files from this location to your staging area.
The Deployment path tells you where these files can be installed on the computer on which you install your application or component.
Some tables are followed by a list of the Registry entries your installation program needs to make so that your application or component can find the files it needs. When an application runs on Windows, it looks for supporting files in these locations and in this order:
The directory where the executable file is installed.
The Windows system and Windows directories (for example, in C:\WINDOWS\system32, C:\WINDOWS\system, and C:\WINDOWS).
In an application path that can be specified in the registry.
In the system path.
You do not need to specify an application path, but it is recommended.
To specify the path the application uses to locate supporting files, your installation program should create an App Path key for your application in this registry location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\App Paths
Set the data value of the (Default) string value to the directory
where the application is installed and create a new string value
called Path that specifies the location of shared files. The following
example shows a typical registry entry for an application called myapp.exe that
uses SQL Anywhere. The registry key is enclosed in square brackets
and is followed by string values for the key in the format "Name"="Value"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\App Paths\myapp.exe] "Default"="C:\Program Files\myapps\myapp.exe" "Path"="C:\Program Files\myapps;C:\Program Files\ sybase\shared\PowerBuilder;c:\program files\ SQL Anywhere 11\win32\;"
About REG files
Registry update files that have a .REG extension
can be used to import information into the registry. The format
used in registry key examples in this chapter is similar to the
format used in registry update files, but these examples are not
intended to be used as update files. The path names in
data value strings in registry update files typically use a pair
of backslashes instead of a single backslash, and the “Default” string
value is represented by the at sign (@).
Use the examples to help determine which registry keys your installation program should add or update.
If your application uses ActiveX controls, OLE controls, or OCX controls, you must:
Deploy the control files with your application
Make sure each control is registered
Make sure required files are in the target computer’s system directory
If your application uses a control that is not self registering, your setup program needs to register it manually on each user’s computer. To find out whether a control is self registering, see the documentation provided with the control. Depending on the development and deployment platforms and the controls you are deploying, you might need to copy additional DLLs or license files to the Windows system directories on the target computer.