Using the To-Do List

The To-Do List displays a list of development tasks you need to do. You can create tasks for any target in the workspace or for the workspace itself. A drop-down list at the top of the To-Do List lets you choose which tasks to display. To open the To-Do List, click the To-Do List button in the PowerBar or select Tools>To-Do List from the menu bar.

To-Do List entries

The entries on the To-Do list are created:

Some To-Do List entries created by wizards are hot-linked to get you quickly to the painter (and the specific object you need) or to a wizard. You can also create an entry yourself that links to the PowerBuilder painter where you are working so you can return to the object or script (event/function and line) you were working on when you made the entry. When you move the pointer over entries on the To-Do list, the pointer changes to a hand when it is over a linked entry.

For example, if you generate an MDI application with the Template Application wizard, one of the linked entries on the To-Do List reminds you to register new sheets with the sheet manager service, which is a nonvisual user object created by the wizard. Double-clicking this entry automatically opens the Window painter and the Script view where you register new sheets.

The sample shows the To Do list. HIghlighted is a linked entry to a task called Register new sheets with the sheet manager service: n _ my gen app _ sheet Manager

Exporting and importing lists

You can export or import a To-Do List by selecting Export or Import from the pop-up menu. Doing this is useful if you want to move from one computer to another or you need to work with To-Do Lists as part of some other system such as a project management system.

NoteLinked entries If you import a list from another workspace or target, or from a previous version of PowerBuilder, linked entries will display in the list but the links will not be active.

Working with entries on the To-Do List

Table 1-7 tells you how to work with entries on the To-Do List.

Table 1-7: Using the To-Do List


Do this

See linked entries

Move the pointer over the entries. A hand displays when the entry you are over is linked.

Use a linked entry to get to a painter or wizard

Double-click the linked entry or select it and then select Go To Link from the pop-up menu.

Add an entry with no link

Select Add from the pop-up menu.

Add a linked entry to a painter that edits objects

With the painter open, select Add Linked from the pop-up menu.

Add an entry for a specific target

If the To-Do List is open, select the target from the drop-down list at the top of the To-Do List and add the entry.

If the To-Do List is closed, select a target in the System Tree, open the To-Do List, and add the entry.

Add an entry for the workspace

Select Current Workspace from the drop-down list at the top of the To-Do List and add the entry.

Change the list that displays

Select a specific target or Current Workspace from the drop-down list at the top of the To-Do List. To display tasks for all targets and the workspace, select All Items.

Change an entry’s position on the list

Drag the entry to the position you want.

Edit or delete an entry

Select Edit or Delete from the pop-up menu.

Delete checked entries or all entries

Select Delete Checked or Delete All from the pop-up menu.

Check or uncheck an entry

Click in the margin to the left of the entry or select an entry and then select Check/Uncheck from the pop-up menu.

Export a To-Do List

Select Export from the pop-up menu, name the To-Do List text file, and click Save.

Import a To-Do List

Select Import from the pop-up menu, navigate to an exported To-Do List text file, and click Open.