

Obtains status information.    


hs_status option



one of the following specifications:

Number of connections

Connections to Historical Server, including the current connection

Number of active recording sessions

Sessions created with hs_create_recording_session and initiated with hs_initiate_recording. Includes sessions whose start times have not yet been reached.

Uninitiated recording sessions

Sessions created with hs_create_recording_session but no matching hs_initiate_recording was executed.

Number of active playback sessions

Sessions created with hs_create_playback_session and initiated with hs_initiate_playback.

Number of uninitiated playback sessions

Sessions created with hs_create_playback_session but no matching hs_initiate_playback was executed.

The activity information is relevant when stopping Historical Server because Historical Server does not shut down while other connections exist or any sessions are active, unless the no_wait option for the hs_shutdown command is explicitly requested.


Example 1

This example displays the name of the Historical Server home directory:

hs_status directory


The hs_status command returns the max_connections field and all of the activity fields as integer datatypes. All other fields are returned as character strings.