Defines a collection of data items to be recorded during a session.
hs_create_view view_name, data_item_name_1, data_item_stat_1 [,data_item_name_2, data_item_stat_2]...
user-defined name of the view. The view name must be constructed from the characters a – z, A – Z, 0 – 9, and the underscore character (_).
data items that participate in the view. If a data item contains embedded spaces, surround it with quotation marks.
See Table A-1 for a list of available data items. See Table B-2 for valid combinations of data items within views.
statistic types of the respective data items. The statistic type must be surrounded with quotation marks. Valid statistic types are:
“Value for Sample”
“Value for Session”
“Rate for Sample”
“Rate for Session”
“Avg for Sample”
“Avg for Session”
Not all statistic types are valid for all data items. See Table B-3.
This example creates a view called Page I/O that contains the Page I/O data item with a Value for Session statistic type and the Kernel Process ID data item with a Value for Sample statistic type.
hs_create_view PageIO,"Page I/O","Value for Session","Kernel Process ID","Value for Sample"
The order in which you specify the options determines the order in which the data items are stored in the recorded data file for the view.
You must define at least one view for each recording session.
If you intend to use the Historical Server playback features to examine data in a recording session, you might want to think about the playback view while designing the recording session view.
For many data items, Historical Server can play back a data item using a different statistic type from the one used during recording. However, for some data items, Historical Server summarizes data by estimating values (as opposed to exact calculation), unless certain additional data items are included in the recorded data. See Table C-2 to determine which data items are required for exact calculations.