Drops an alternate language from the server and removes its row from master.dbo.syslanguages.
sp_droplanguage language [, dropmessages]
is the official name of the language to be dropped.
drops all Adaptive Server system messages in language. You cannot drop a language with associated system messages without also dropping its messages.
This example drops French from the available alternate languages, if there are no associated messages:
sp_droplanguage french
This example drops French from the available alternate languages, if there are associated messages:
sp_droplanguage french, dropmessages
Executing sp_droplanguage drops a language from a list of alternate languages by deleting its entry from the master.dbo.syslanguages table.
If you try to drop a language that has system messages, the request fails unless you supply the dropmessages parameter.
Only a System Administrator can execute sp_droplanguage.
System procedures sp_addlanguage, sp_helplanguage