Returns the number of free pages in the specified disk piece.
curunreservedpgs(dbid, lstart, unreservedpgs)
is the ID for a database. These are stored in the db_id column of sysdatabases.
is a page within the disk piece for which pages are to be returned.
is the default value to return if the dbtable is presently unavailable for the requested database.
Returns the database name, device name, and the number of unreserved pages for each device fragment:
select db_name(dbid),, curunreservedpgs(dbid, lstart, unreservedpgs) from sysusages u, sysdevices d where d.low <= u.size + vstart and d.high >= u.size + vstart -1 and d.status &2 = 2
master master 184 master master 832 tempdb master 464 tempdb master 1016 tempdb master 768 model master 632 sybsystemprocs master 1024 pubs2 master 248
Displays the number of free pages on the segment for dbid starting on sysusages.lstart:
select curunreservedpgs (dbid, sysusages.lstart, 0)
curunreservedpgs, a system function, returns the number of free pages in a disk piece. For general information about system functions, see “System functions”.
If the database is open, the value is taken from memory; if the database is not in use, the value is taken from the unreservedpgs column in sysusages.
SQL92 – Compliance level: Transact-SQL extension.
Any user can execute curunreservedpgs.