Renames an abstract plan group.
sp_rename_qpgroup old_name, new_name
is the current name of the abstract plan group.
is the new name for the group. The specified new_name cannot be the name of an existing abstract plan group in the database.
sp_rename_qpgroup dev_plans, prod_plans
Changes the name of the group from dev_plans to prod_plans.
Use sp_rename_qpgroup to rename an abstract plan group. You cannot use the name of an existing plan group for the new name.
sp_rename_qpgroup does not affect the contents of the renamed group. IDs of existing abstract plans are not changed.
You cannot rename the default abstract plan groups, ap_stdin and ap_stdout.
sp_rename_qpgroup cannot be run in a transaction.
Only a System Administrator or the Database Owner can execute sp_rename_qpgroup.
System procedures sp_help_qpgroup