

Displays cache usage statistics regarding metadata descriptors for indexes, objects, and databases. sp_monitorconfig also reports statistics on auxiliary scan descriptors used for referential integrity queries, and usage statistics for transaction descriptors and DTX participants.


sp_monitorconfig "configname"



is either all, or part of the configuration parameter name whose monitoring information is being queried. Valid configuration parameters are listed in the “Usage” section. Specifying all displays descriptor help information for all indexes, objects, databases, and auxiliary scan descriptors in the server.


Example 1

sp_monitorconfig "open"

Configuration option is not unique.
option_name                    config_value run_value  
------------------------------ ------------ -----------
curread change w/ open cursors           1            1
number of open databases                12           12
number of open indexes                 500          500
number of open objects                 500          500
open index hash spinlock ratio         100          100
open index spinlock ratio              100          100
open object spinlock ratio             100          100

Example 2

There are 283 active object metadata descriptors, with 217 free. The maximum used at a peak period since Adaptive Server was last started is 300:

sp_monitorconfig "open objects"

Usage information at date and time: Apr 22 2002 2:49PM. Name            num_free   num_active  pct_act   Max_Used   Reused --------------  --------   ----------  -------   --------   ------ number of open  217        283         56.60     300        No

You can then reset the size to 330, for example, to accommodate the 300 maximum used metadata descriptors, plus space for 10 percent more:

sp_configure "number of open objects", 330

Example 3

The maximum number of index metadata descriptors is 44:

sp_monitorconfig "open indexes"

Usage information at date and time: Apr 22 2002 2:49PM. Name            num_free   num_active  pct_act   Max_Used   Reused --------------  --------   ----------  --------  --------   ------ number of open  556         44          7.33      44          No

You can reset the size to 100, the minimum acceptable value:

sp_configure "number of open indexes", 100

Example 4

The number of active scan descriptors is 30, though Adaptive Server is configured to use 200. Use the number of aux scan descriptors configuration parameter to reset the value to at least 32. A safe setting is 36, to accommodate the 32 scan descriptors, plus space for 10 percent more:

sp_monitorconfig "aux scan descriptors"

Usage information at date and time: Apr 22 2002 2:49PM. Name            num_free   num_active  pct_act   Max_Used   Reused --------------  --------   ----------  --------  --------   ------ number of aux s  170        30          15.00      32         No

Example 5

Adaptive Server is configured for 5 open databases, all of which have been used in the current session.

sp_monitorconfig "number of open databases"

Usage information at date and time: Apr 22 2002 2:49PM. Name            num_free   num_active  pct_act   Max_Used   Reused --------------  --------   ----------  --------  --------   ------ number of open  0           5           100.00    5           Yes

However, as indicated by the Reused column, an additional database needs to be opened. If all 5 databases are in use, an error may result, unless the descriptor for a database that is not in use can be reused. To prevent an error, reset number of open databases to a higher value.

Example 6

Only 10.2 percent of the transaction descriptors are currently being used. However, the maximum number of transaction descriptors used at a peak period since Adaptive Server was last started is 523:

sp_monitorconfig "txn to pss ratio"

Usage information at date and time: Apr 22 2002 2:49PM. Name            num_free   num_active  pct_act   Max_Used   Reused --------------  --------   ----------  --------  --------   ------ number of open  784         80          10.20     523         NA

Example 7

Create a user table named #tmp_res_monitor, and save the sp_monitorconfig result to this table:

create table #tmp_res_monitor(Name varchar(35), Num_free int,
Num_active int, Pct_act char(6), Max_Used int, Reuse_cnt int, Date varchar(30))
gosp_monitorconfig "number of locks", #tmp_res_monitor
goselect * from  #tmp_res_monitor

Name            num_free  num_active  pct_act  Max_Used  Reused 
--------------  --------  ---------- --------  --------  ------
number of locks 4361      639         12.78     3288      -1 Apr 22 2002 10:06AM 



Only a System Administrator can execute sp_monitorconfig.

See also

System procedures sp_configure, sp_countmetadata, sp_helpconfig, sp_helpconstraint, sp_sysmon