Starts and stops EJB Server. Displays status information about EJB Server.
sp_extengine 'ejb_server', '{ start | stop | status }'
the logical name of the EJB Server.
starts the EJB Server.
shuts down the EJB Server.
displays status information about the EJB Server.
Informs user that the EJB Server SYB_EJB is running:
sp_extengine 'SYB_EJB', 'status'
Enterprise java bean server is up and running.
Shuts down the EJB Server SYB_EJB:
sp_extengine 'SYB_EJB', 'stop'
You must have a valid Adaptive Server EJB Server site license to use sp_extengine.
See the User’s Guide to EJB Server for more information.
Only a System Administrator can execute sp_extengine.