To remove an existing Adaptive Server (but not other Sybase products):
For the servers that run as Windows NT services, you must stop the service from the Windows Control Panel, select Start | Setting | Control Panel | Services.
Select Sybase servers from the Service column, and select Stop.
Shut down, then restart the Windows NT server to release the DLLs being used by Adaptive Server products.
From the Windows task bar, select Start | Programs | Sybase | Uninstall.
This starts the Studio Installer and launches the Uninstall window.
The Studio Installer prompts: “Do you wish to proceed with uninstall now?”
Click Yes.
A component selection window appears. Select individual components by clicking the check box to the left of the component, or click Select All to remove all components.
Click Next.
The Uninstall summary window displays the components selected for removal.
Click Next.
The Studio Installer begins removing the selected components from the system. A progress indicator notifies you when the components have been successfully removed.
You need to restart to update the system registry.
The Studio Installer removes:
All files installed from the Adaptive Server CD
All directories it created, unless the directory is not empty
All shortcuts
Registry entries and values. If you made any changes to the portal configuration that modifies registry entries, the uninstall utility will not remove them. See your Windows system administrator for information.
After running the uninstall utility, a message displays stating that you should remove the remaining directories and files. Remove these directories and files after you finish running the utility.
From the Windows task bar, select Start | Run, then enter regedt32 for Windows NT, or regedit for Windows 98 to start the registry utility.
In the \Server directory, delete the following keys related to the Adaptive Server (server_name) that you want to remove:
\\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\ Application\server_name
For the following Registry key:
\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Session Manager\Environment
make these changes:
Delete the settings for the Sybase variables DSLISTEN, DSQUERY, and SYBASE, and other Sybase-specific environment variables.
Remove all references to the earlier installation directories in the PATH.
In the \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet \Services registry key, remove the references corresponding Adaptive Server (server_name) services:
Restart your computer to update the changes to the Registry.
If you get an Event Viewer warning upon restarting the computer,
you may not have cleaned up all services. See the Event Viewer Application
log for details.
Use the Service Control Panel to verify that the Adaptive Server service has been removed. If it has not, check the Registry for the same keys for the CurrentControlSet in ControlSet001 and ControlSet003. Make sure you have deleted the specified entries from the Registry.
Delete the master device and system procedure device files from the Sybase installation directory (the default is \sybase\data).
Reinstall Adaptive Server as a new server.