About this book

This manual, the Configuration Guide, provides instructions for performing specific configuration tasks for Sybase® Adaptive Server™ Enterprise on UNIX platforms.

The operating system release levels for the UNIX platforms on which Adaptive Server is certified to execute is in the installation documentation or release bulletin for your platform.

This manual covers the following topics:

NoteBefore configuring Adaptive Server according to the instructions in this book, you should have a newly installed or upgraded Adaptive Server on your system. If you do not, follow the installation and upgrade instructions in the installation documentation for your platform.


This manual is for System Administrators or other qualified installers who are familiar with their system’s environment, networks, disk resources, and media devices.

How to use this book

This manual contains the following chapters:

Related documents

The following documents comprise the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise documentation:

Other sources of information

Use the Sybase Technical Library CD and the Technical Library Product Manuals web site to learn more about your product:

Sybase certifications on the web

Technical documentation at the Sybase web site is updated frequently.

StepsFinding the latest information on product certifications

  1. Point your web browser to Technical Documents.

  2. Select Products from the navigation bar on the left.

  3. Select a product name from the product list and click Go.

  4. Select the Certification Report filter, specify a time frame, and click Go.

  5. Click a Certification Report title to display the report.

StepsCreating a personalized view of the Sybase web site (including support pages)

Set up a MySybase profile. MySybase is a free service that allows you to create a personalized view of Sybase web pages.

  1. Point your web browser to Technical Documents.

  2. Click MySybase and create a MySybase profile.

Sybase EBFs and software updates

StepsFinding the latest information on EBFs and software updates

  1. Point your web browser to the Sybase Support Page.

  2. Select EBFs/Updates. Enter user name and password information, if prompted (for existing web accounts) or create a new account (a free service).

  3. Select a product.

  4. Specify a time frame and click Go.

  5. Click the Info icon to display the EBF/Update report, or click the product description to download the software.


Table 1 shows the conventions used in this manual.

Table 1: Conventions for this manual



Command names, keywords, command options, utility names, utility flags, and system procedure names

create database

isql -U


Database names

master, model, and tempdb databases


int, datetime, and varchar datatypes

File names and path names



Variables, or words that placeholders for values that you fill in

select column_name
  from table_name
  where search_conditions

Examples showing the use of Transact-SQL commands

select * from publishers

Examples of output from the computer

0736  New Age Books         Boston       MA 
0877  Binnet & Hardley      Washington   DC 
1389  Algodata Infosystems  Berkeley     CA 

Parentheses – if shown in the syntax, type them as part of the command.

compute row_aggregate (column_name)

Comma – choose one or more options.

Type commas as part of the command.

cash, check, credit

Vertical bar – choose only one option.

Do not type the bars.

cash | check | credit

Curly braces around options separated by commas – you must choose at least one option. You may choose more than one.

Do not type the braces.

{cash, check, credit}

Curly braces around options separated by vertical bars – you must choose only one option.

Do not type the braces.

{cash | check | credit}

Brackets around options separated by commas – choosing an option is optional. You may choose more than one.

Do not type the brackets.

[cash, check, credit]

Brackets around options separated by vertical bars – choosing an option is optional. You may choose only one.

Do not type the brackets.

[cash | check | credit]

An ellipsis (...) means that you can repeat the preceding optional unit (between the square brackets) as many times as you like.

In this example, you must specify at least one toy and enter its price. You must choose only one method of payment: cash, check, or credit. You may also buy additional toys. Separate each toy with a comma. You may put each item on a separate line for readability, but this is not required.

buy toy = price {cash | check | credit} 
   [, toy = price {cash | check | credit} ]...
buy doll = 25.50 check, 
    train = 60.00 credit, 
    bicycle = 150.00 credit, 
    paint set = 6.00 cash 

Transact-SQL does not restrict the number of words you can put on a line, or where to break a line. However, for readability, examples and syntax statements in this manual are formatted so each clause of a statement begins on a new line. Clauses that have more than one part extend to additional lines, which are indented.

You can disregard case when typing Transact-SQL keywords. For example, Adaptive Server understands SELECT, Select, and select to be the same. In this manual, most examples are in lowercase. Case sensitivity of database objects, such as table names, depends on the sort order installed on Adaptive Server. You can change case sensitivity for single-byte character sets by reconfiguring the Adaptive Server sort order. For more information, see Chapter 7, “Configuring Character Sets, Sort Orders, and Languages,” in the System Administration Guide.

Commands for both the C and Bourne shells are included in this document, when they differ. The initialization file for the C shell is called .cshrc. The initialization file for the Bourne shell is called .profile. If you are using a different shell, such as the Korn shell, see your shell-specific documentation for the correct command syntax.


The following terms appear repeatedly throughout this book. For more detailed information about these and other terms, see the Adaptive Server Glossary.

If you need help

Each Sybase installation that has purchased a support contract has one or more designated people who are authorized to contact Sybase Technical Support. If you cannot resolve a problem using the manuals or online help, please have the designated person contact Sybase Technical Support or the Sybase subsidiary in your area.