For ASE Replicator to recognize a database, you must define a connection to that database. Before you create publications or subscriptions, and primary or replicate articles, you must first define database connections.
Each database connection can be defined as either a primary connection or a replicate connection. The connection type depends on the role of the database in the replication system. A database with only one role requires only one connection. A database that serves as both a primary and a replicate in a bidirectional replication system requires both primary and replicate database connections.
ASE Replicator identifies each database connection uniquely by the combination of connection type (primary or replicate) and connection name (database server name and database name).
For each database connection, ASE Replicator records a Maintenance User name. In a replicate database, the Maintenance User is the database user name that ASE Replicator uses to apply replicated transactions. In a primary database, ASE Replicator uses the Maintenance User name to filter out Maintenance User transactions. In a database that serves as both a primary database and a replicate database, replicate transactions applied by the Maintenance User must be distinguished from primary transactions to prevent infinite, circular replication.
ASE Replicator supports replication from a primary Adaptive
Server to any number of replicate servers, but each replicate server
can act as a replicate for only one primary server. ASE Replicator
does not support replication from more than
one primary server to a single remote Adaptive Server.