This chapter describes the tasks and procedures you use to administer the ASE Replicator process and replication system. It also provides a list of ASE Replicator configuration parameters and describes each parameter in detail.
You can accomplish many of the ASE Replicator administration tasks described in this chapter using Sybase Central Java Edition, a graphical user interface (GUI) administration tool that comes with Adaptive Server.
Some of the tasks that you can perform with Sybase Central include:
Creating primary and replicate database connections
Creating and managing publications and subscriptions
Creating primary and replicate articles
Suspending and resuming connections and subscriptions
Suspending and shutting down the ASE Replicator system
Monitoring ASE Replicator system activity and performance
Sybase Central provides wizards to guide you through ASE Replicator tasks, such as creating primary and replicate database connections, creating publications and subscriptions, and creating primary and replicate articles.
In the Sybase Central window, the ASE Replicator folder appears under the Adaptive Server icon in the left pane. ASE Replicator objects appear as icons in the ASE Replicator folder.
See the online help for more information about using Sybase Central to administer ASE Replicator.
You can perform all ASE Replicator administration and maintenance tasks with a SQL query tool, such as isql.
To invoke ASE Replicator command procedures, you must log in to the primary Adaptive Server with a user name that has permissions for ASE Replicator. Usually, this is the ASE Replicator system user login that you specified when you set up the ASE Replicator process.
You can run ASE Replicator command procedures only in the Distribution Database. Therefore, when you log in to Adaptive Server to administer ASE Replicator, you must either open the Distribution Database with the use command, or qualify each ASE Replicator procedure with the Distribution Database name.