

Creates a new replicate article (or articles) in a specified subscription.


sp_addreplicateart sub_name [, pri_art [, rep_art 
	[, field_nums 
	[, where_clause]]]]



is the name of the subscription to which the new article is added.


is the name of a primary article. Primary article names can be specified in the form owner.name.


is the name of a replicate article, if different from the primary article. This parameter can be used when the name of the replicate object is different from the name of the primary object, which is always the same as the name of the primary article. Replicate article names can be specified in the form owner.name.


is one or more numbers that identify the published fields to be subscribed to.


is a SQL-type where clause that further selects the published data to be received by the replicate object identified by the replicate article. The SQL keyword where is optional.


Example 1

sp_addreplicateart subdoc, table1, @field_nums="2-4"

Creates a new replicate article in the subscription subdoc, for the primary article table1, subscribing only to published fields 2, 3, and 4 in the primary article.

Example 2

sp_addreplicateart subdoc, table1, @where_clause="where style = 'round' or 
style = 'square'"

Creates a new replicate article in the subscription subdoc, for the primary article table1, subscribing to all published fields in the primary article, and replicating only rows in which the value of style is either round or square.

Example 3

sp_addreplicateart subdoc, table1, reptable1, "1,3-4", "where style = 'round' or style = 'square'" 

Creates a new replicate article in the subscription subdoc, for the primary article table1, with the replicate object named reptable1, subscribing only to published fields 1, 3, and 4 in the primary article, and replicating only rows in which the value of style is either round or square.


See also

sp_addprimaryart, sp_addreplicateconn, sp_addsub, sp_helpreplicateart, sp_helpreplicateconn, sp_helpsub