Defines a new replicate database connection.
sp_addreplicateconn conn_name [, maint_user [, maint_pw]]
is the name of a replicate database connection. Connection names must be specified in the form ds.db, where:
ds is the name of the data server on which the replicate database resides.
db is the name of the replicate database.
is the Maintenance User name for the replicate database.
is the Maintenance User password for the replicate database.
sp_addreplicateconn "boulder.doc", fred, P8g3n
Defines a replicate database connection to the database doc on data server boulder, where the Maintenance User name is fred and the Maintenance User password is P8g3n.
sp_addreplicateconn creates only a replicate database connection. If the replicate database will also act as a primary database in bidirectional replication, use sp_addprimaryconn to create a primary database connection to that database.
ASE Replicator creates a table named rl_lastcommit in the replicate database to keep track of transactions committed there. If you create a primary database connection to a replicate database (to implement bidirectional replication, for example), you cannot publish the rl_lastcommit table.
ASE Replicator does not support replicating transactions
to or from the rl_lastcommit table.
The default Maintenance User login is the ASE Replicator system user login.
The Maintenance User login must exist in the replicate database identified in the connection name.
To use a Maintenance User login other than the default ASE Replicator system user login, you can either:
Specify a Maintenance User login and password when you invoke sp_addreplicateconn, or
Map the ASE Replicator system user login to a separate Maintenance User login using sp_addexternlogin in the primary Adaptive Server.
When the requested action occurs successfully, no results are returned.
When an error occurs, an error message is returned.
sp_addprimaryconn, sp_addreplicateart, sp_addsub, sp_configreplicateconn, sp_helpreplicateart, sp_helpreplicateconn, sp_helpsub